A Tutorial on Firebase Hosting

If you are looking to host your NextGen web app safely, Firebase from Google can put you at ease by providing fast, reliable, and secure static hosting for your web app. Offering production-grade web content hosting, Google Firebase enables you to effortlessly deploy web apps and static web page content and connect to a CDN (content-delivery network) with a single command.

Furthermore, with Firebase as an all-in-one hosting solution, you are exempt from sizing up various available cloud-based hosting service providers.

GraphQL: The Future of APIs

GraphQL: The Future of APIs

When discussing API design, REST or Representational State Transfer is what comes to mind first. It is a standard tool used for data retrieval from the server that accesses data by URLs.

Client applications whilst progressing into the new millennium was relatively simple. That is when REST had been developed and it became a good fit for many applications in due course of time.

Differences Between React.js and React Native

React.js was originally developed by Facebook to create highly responsive and dynamic UI applications with uncompromised performance.

The react.js library was released in 2011 with an intent to leverage JavaScript speed and the ability to render pages and dynamic user input. Two years later, as React.js became quite recognized, the team open-sourced React.js.