Comparing Axios, Fetch, and Angular HttpClient for Data Fetching in JavaScript

In modern web development, fetching data from APIs is a common task. There are multiple ways to achieve this, including using libraries like Axios, the native Fetch API, and Angular's HttpClient. In this article, we will explore how to use these tools for data fetching, including examples of standard application code and error handling. We will also touch upon other methods and conclude with a comparison.

1. Introduction to Data Fetching

Data fetching is a critical part of web applications, allowing us to retrieve data from servers and integrate it into our apps. While the Fetch API is built into JavaScript, libraries like Axios and frameworks like Angular offer additional features and more straightforward syntax. Understanding these approaches helps developers choose the best tool for their specific needs.
data fetching

A Comprehensive Guide To Building and Managing a White-Label Platform

Today we will be building a white-label system that can accommodate any number of subsidiaries. It requires careful planning and a flexible architecture. Here are some ideas to help you create a system that is easily adaptable for different subsidiaries:

Modular Architecture

Design your system with a modular architecture that allows easy integration of new features or modules. Each subsidiary can customize the modules without affecting the core functionality.

Theme-Based Front-End Architecture Leveraging Tailwind CSS for White-Label Systems

Tailwind CSS can be a helpful tool for creating multiple themes in your React app. You can define utility classes for each theme and conditionally apply them based on user preferences or any other criteria. This allows you to easily switch between themes without writing custom styles for each one.

To implement multiple themes with Tailwind CSS in a React app, you can follow these general steps:

Front-End Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Introduction to Front-End APM Tools: Dynatrace vs. AppDynamics

Today enterprise web applications are easy to build using technologies like React, and Angular but performance management is crucial and is often ignored. There are various Application Performance Management (APM) tools at your disposal, but two tools that surpass the others in terms of flexibility of implementation, monitoring capability, dynamic error resolution, and ease of use are Dynatrace and AppDynamics.

In this post, we will delve deeper into front-end monitoring with two leading tools: Dynatrace and AppDynamics. Moreover, we will compare the pros and cons of each tool and highlight the implementation details in the front-end source code.