Angular v16: A New Era of Angular Development

Angular v16, the latest major release of the Angular framework, introduces a number of exciting new features and improvements. These features are designed to make Angular development more efficient, scalable, and secure.

Rethinking Reactivity

One of the most significant changes in Angular v16 is the introduction of a new reactivity model. The new model is designed to be more efficient and scalable while also providing a simpler mental model for developers.

How Can MACH Architecture Boost Digital Transformation?

The world of technology is constantly evolving, and organizations of all sizes are looking for ways to stay competitive and drive innovation.

Customer demands are changing, and so do the touchpoints. Unfortunately, being available at every touchpoint requires technology officers to invest in several technologies, which increases the complexity and cost of the organization’s technology infrastructure.

12 Essential Skills Your ReactJS Developers Should Have

While more and more users are moving towards an omnichannel approach, it is important to have a seamless user experience. One way to achieve this is by having a fully responsive application to ensure users have the best experience across platforms.

There are numerous JavaScript libraries available for creating mobile/web app front-ends, but React is the best when it comes to creating a responsive application. In addition to supporting website front-ends, this well-equipped framework allows developers to create truly responsive web applications. Furthermore, React provides reusable custom HTML code for apps.

14 Web Development Trends You Should Look For in 2023

It was the year 1991 when the first web page was published, transforming our lives forever. Today, we spend hours on the Internet, earning money, spending money, listening to music, finding our soul mates, obtaining university degrees, watching movies, and investigating conspiracy theories, among other activities. The list is virtually never-ending.

From simple web pages to complex websites, web development has evolved to a great extent, allowing users to become immersed in certain topics and experience things.

What Is the Future of ReactJS?

React, Angular or Vue?

JavaScript frameworks all seem to be on the rise, and it’s not easy for a developer to get a grasp on them all. On the contrary, businesses wander around in confusion about which is better suited for their project and why? Well, to get the answer, we suggest answering some questions such as:

What are you building? What kind of data will your application process? Do you want to create an SEO-friendly website? And so on.

8 Steps to a Winning Product Strategy Made Simple: What You Need to Know

You built a product, and it’s working well. You might even achieve your goals and start making a profit. But how do you know when you’re done building it? When do you need to create a new feature or add a new marketing channel?

When you bring a product to market, you solve a problem for your users. But you’re not the only person who can solve that problem. In fact, you’re one piece in a much larger ecosystem — a network of developers, customers, and manufacturers — all working together to build a better product. It’s a complex ecosystem, and you need a product strategy that can help you navigate it. 

Node.js vs. JavaScript: What Is Better?

JavaScript is an object-oriented, lightweight scripting language leveraged to create dynamic HTML pages with engaging effects. On the other hand, Node.js typically signifies a list of objects and methods available to JavaScript programming, which operates in the V8 engine or through the node interpreter.

This blog will discuss the variance between Node.js and JavaScript development. However, before discussing the differences, we will explore Node.js and JavaScript.

Top 15 Angular Frameworks and Libraries for Web Development

As we approach 2023, web development is becoming increasingly complex. New frameworks are continuously emerging, and veteran frameworks are updating to meet new demands. With so many different options available to developers, it can be challenging to determine which framework is suitable for any given project.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top 15 Angular frameworks that continue to dominate and some smaller but promising up-and-comers.

Here Is How To Develop UIs Faster in ReactJS

It’s 2022, and React has a huge ecosystem to help developers bring complex UIs to life faster. Furthermore, with the extensive support of ReactJS libraries, there is hardly any case when a developer has to build a component from scratch.

However, not every ReactJS UI developer is aware of the best practices to build UIs faster in ReactJS. Therefore, I’ll be discussing the top five approaches (which I personally use) for building UIs quicker in a ReactJS project. So without further ado, let’s get started:

Role of Development Team in an Agile Environment

The goal behind the Agile Development process is to facilitate the rapid delivery of software through an iterative process.

But development teams adopting the Agile development approach often find themselves shifting back to conventional software development practices due to the inappropriate distribution of roles and responsibilities in an Agile environment.

A Complete Guide to Laravel 5.8 Installation

Released in February 2015, Laravel 5.0 has become one of the most popular PHP web frameworks. Being a versatile framework, it is the preferred choice of global developers and since its initial release, there has been a periodic update every six months. The latest one out of the lot, 5.8, was released in March.

Before moving ahead with Laravel 5.8 installation, let’s dig a bit deeper into the important updates and features that rolled out with Laravel 5.8.