Python and Automation: A Perfect Combo

Python is one of the most popular languages among data scientists, researchers, and academics. It systematically tops the ladder on TIOBE, Stack Overflow, and GitHub, being the rockstar among other coding languages. It has a rich library of tools that can be applied to solve various problems in the field of automation. Indeed, Python compares favorably in its ability to automate virtually any process. 

Python also has a lot of built-in libraries. Since many services provide their data via APIs, you will have the ability to write scripts to solve tasks without deep programming knowledge.

Building an ETL Pipeline With Airflow and ECS

Each day, enterprise-level companies collect, store and process different types of data from multiple sources. Whether it’s a payroll system, sales records, or inventory system, this torrent of data has to be attended to. 

And if you process data from multiple sources that you want to squeeze into a centralized database, you need to: