The Top 5 Redis-Based Java Objects

As the “most loved” database technology by developers, Redis has a lot of features to recommend it, including speed, scalability, and availability. However, one issue is that Redis doesn’t include built-in support for programming languages like Java. Instead, users need to install a third-party Java client for Redis, such as Redisson.

Redisson is a Redis Java client that includes many of the familiar Java objects, interfaces, and collections, making it easier than ever for Java developers to get started with Redis. Below, we’ll discuss 5 of the top Redis-based Java objects that Radisson users have come to rely on.

How to Search for Java Objects Stored in Redis

What Is a Live Object in Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language, which means there are few concepts more important in Java than objects. The power of objects in Java is enhanced with distributed objects, which enable you to build distributed systems across multiple processes or computers.

In Java, a live object (also known as a live distributed object) is an “enhanced” version of a standard object. With live objects, instance references can be shared not only between Java Virtual Machine (JVM) threads but also between different JVMs on different machines.

Redis-Based TransferQueue in Java

The TransferQueue interface in the Java programming language is a queue for passing messages according to the producer-consumer programming design pattern. The TransferQueue interface is based on the BlockingQueue interface in Java, with the additional stipulation that producers can wait until consumers receive their messages.

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is often used to build distributed NoSQL key-value databases. Although many Java programmers would like to use Redis with Java, Redis is not automatically compatible with Java constructs such as TransferQueue out of the box.

Caching in MyBatis With Redis

MyBatis is an open-source, lightweight persistence framework for the Java programming language. With MyBatis, users can map Java methods to stored procedures or SQL statements. The transactional query caching feature in MyBatis allows users to cache their queries, reducing lookup times and improving performance.

Java developers often use MyBatis together with Redis, an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is often used to build NoSQL databases. But how do developers implement caching in MyBatis with Redis?

Redis-Based Bloom Filter for Java

Learn how to use Bloom filters in Java and Redis with the Redis Java client Redisson.

A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure that is used to efficiently test whether an element is present in a set. The use of Bloom filters can help reduce the number of expensive disk lookups for key-value pairs.

Redis Cluster on Java for Scaling and High Availability

What Is a Redis Cluster?

Scalability and availability are two of the most important qualities of any enterprise-class database.

It’s very unusual that you can exactly predict the maximum amount of resources your database will consume, so scalability is a must in order to deal with periods of unexpectedly high demand. Yet, scalability is useless without availability, which ensures that users will always be able to access the information within the database when they need it.

SAP Hybris Clusters on Redis

What Is SAP Hybris?

SAP Hybris is an e-commerce platform originally introduced in 1997. The Hybris software was acquired by the German multinational corporation SAP in 2013. In June 2018, the platform was rebranded as SAP Customer Experience in order to further integrate it under the SAP umbrella. Over the years, Hybris users have included major firms such as Adidas, Samsung, and Vodafone.

From a technical perspective, Hybris is a Java-based software application that uses a three-layer architecture including web, application, and database. It includes features such as web content management, customer service, product catalogs, and payment integrations.

Redis for Java Developers: Tutorial and Code Examples

Redis is one of the most popular NoSQL database solutions, and Java is one of the world's most popular programming languages. Although it seems natural for the two to work together, Redis doesn't come with native support for Java.

Instead, Java developers who want to integrate with Redis will need to use a Java client library. Redisson is a Redis-based in-memory data grid for Java that makes it easy for Java developers to work with Redis. Redisson provides implementations of many Java data structures to be distributed and scalable so that they can run on top of the Redis server.Image title

Database Caching With Redis and Java

Why Is Database Caching so Important?

The more information you have in a database, the slower it will become over time. Even database management systems that are well-designed to support many concurrent requests will eventually hit their limit.

Database caching is one of the most common strategies for dealing with these performance issues. Caching involves saving the results of database queries in a location that is faster and easier to access. When done correctly, caching will slash query response times, decrease the load on your databases, and cut costs.

Quickstart: How to Use Redis on Java

If you want to use Java with Redis, you'll need to do a little tinkering in order to make both technologies work with each other. This quickstart guide will walk you through everything you need to use Redis on Java.

1. Run Redis

To get up and running quickly with Redis, you can consult this Redis Quick Start guide. The basic steps you'll need to follow are:

How to Connect to Redis on Java Over SSL

Redis, an open-source, in-memory data structure store, is one of the most popular choices for building NoSQL databases. However, one major stumbling block for using Redis is that it does not come with any of its own encryption features.

Of course, any enterprise-class database must be able to guarantee the security of the information stored within it. If your database may be accessible by untrusted parties, you will need to develop your own encryption capabilities, enveloping data within an encryption protocol.

How to Manage Transactions in Redis on Java

Transactions in Redis allow the execution of a group of commands to take place in a single step. Managing Redis transactions on Java can be tricky for some users, but it is much easier when you have the right tools at your disposal. In this post, you will learn all you need to know about the execution of Redis transactions on Java, as well as getting a brief insight into Spring Transaction Manager and XA Transactions for Redis.

Overview of Redis Transactions on Java

Redis transactions are atomic, meaning that either all the commands in the transaction are processed or none of them are. The commands are sequentially executed as a single isolated operation, with no option for a request issued by another client to be served in the middle of the execution of the transaction.

Caching in Hibernate With Redis

Hibernate is an open-source, object/relational mapping framework for the Java programming language. The goal of Hibernate is to help developers spare themselves from many tedious, manual data processing tasks. Hibernate is able to create mappings between Java classes and database tables, as well as data types in Java and SQL.

Any non-trivial application working with large quantities of data must rely on caching and other techniques to become more efficient. Caching is a strategy to improve the performance of an application by using a buffer to store frequently accessed data. By reducing the number of database requests and storing the data closer to the CPU, caching can significantly increase an application's speed.