Realtime React Coding in ClojureScript

I love ClojureScript. The language, the look, and the feeling when I type the code to make my React components with it make me stay up all night. It actually did yesterday when I try to pick up on a friend set up and get back to a modern environment to do my coding.

Let’s walk through the first few steps to get to a setup with a React counter in ClojureScript, all this with live code reloading from VSCode.

Java Concurrency With Project Loom

Early Access: Java Concurrency With Project Loom

I am excited about Project Loom. The project focuses on easy to use lightweight concurrency for the JavaVM. Nowadays, the JavaVM provides a one java thread to one OS thread model to the programmer. While it's actually the current Oracle implementation, it used to be that many JavaVM versions ago, threads provided to the programmer were actually green threads.

Project Loom goes down that road again, providing lightweight threads to the programmer. Those lightweight threads are mapped to OS threads in a "many-to-many" relationship. 

Write Your Own Imaging Processing UI in 15 Minutes, Using Kotlin and Compose for Desktop

Compose used to be just a smooth way of writing Android Applications in Kotlin. Now JetBrains has ported Compose to the Desktop, and it's now easier than ever to prototype UI in real-time. 

Of course, you can write a web app-based UI or a single-page application, but sometimes, especially in the IoT world, and a small cluster of Raspberry Pis, the easiest way is to have actually a small Desktop UI.

Deep Neural Networks With OpenCV and Clojure on AWS Lambda

Learn more about Deep Neural Networks with OpenCV and Clojure

In our previous post, we managed to run a Yolo-based Deep Neural Network directly on a Raspberry Pi with object detection in semi-real-time on pictures and video streams. The processing was done locally, which is kind of optimum for a local video stream. But, it can be a little bit too power-hungry if you have a farm of these.

Here are some not-so-easy-to-get power consumption values for the Raspberry Pi. You can easily see that heavy CPU usage doubles energy consumption. In that case, a possible solution to offload processing out the Raspberry and onto servers is by using easy-to-set-up lambdas.

Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, Deep Neural Networks, and — Of Course— a Bit of Clojure

Learn more about Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, deep neural networks, and Clojure.

I had to write a simple IoT prototype recently that counted the number of people in a queue in real-time. Of course, I could have hired someone to do that and just keep counting people, or ... I could write a program in Clojure using a Raspberry Pi to detect the number of heads via a video stream.

You may also like: IoT OpenCV Scripting With Clojure on a Raspberry Pi

We learned recently that when using inlein, you can easily write scripts in Clojure with dependencies and run them just about anywhere, at a quite decent speed.