The Ultimate JSON Library: JSON.simple vs. GSON vs. Jackson vs. JSONP

JSON is the accepted standard these days for transmitting data between servers and web applications. We often don’t think about the JSON libraries we use, but there are some differences between them.

JSON is often used to transport and parse big files. This is a scenario that is common in data processing applications running in Hadoop or Spark clusters. Given the size of these files, you can be looking at significant differences in parsing speed between libraries.

We Crunched 1 Billion Java Logged Errors – Here’s What Causes 97% Of Them

97% of Logged Errors are Caused by 10 Unique Errors

It’s 2021 and one thing hasn’t changed in 30 years. DevOps teams still rely on log files to troubleshoot application issues. We trust log files implicitly because we think the truth is hidden within them. If you just grep hard enough or write the perfect regex query, the answer will magically present itself in front of you.

Java Blogs and Podcasts Developers Should Bookmark

If you are a Java developer, engineer, SRE, QA, enthusiast, aficionado, or have any involvement or interest in Java in any capacity, this list is for you.

We scoured the Internet to track down the top Java blogs, Java podcasts, and Java tutorials that you should bookmark. We provide the name, URL, and a brief overview of the resource. In no particular order:

COVID-19 and Poor Software Quality: What You Need to Know

The Consortium for Information and Software Quality (CISQ) recently released a report about the cost of poor quality software (CPSQ) in the US in 2020. Reading between the lines, we can see how the COVID-19 crisis contributed to making this problem even worse.

This past January, CISQ released The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the US: A 2020 Report and presented a webinar covering the key findings. Both provided valuable information about how the spread of poor software quality has had serious economic consequences in the United States. 

The Differences Between CI/CD and CR and How to Instantly Pinpoint Issues in Pre- and Post- Production

It seems like we’ve entered the era of continuous everything – Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment (CD), Continuous Reliability (CR). The list goes on… But what exactly is the difference between them? What do they actually look like in practice? What are the popular tools that make it all happen? 

Development teams are under immense pressure to push daily code changes to keep users happy with new features. With each code push to the repository, or development branch, CI will automatically and continuously test your apps by running them through various code exercises to make sure this continuous code push doesn’t break anything in production.