Navigating Data Marts, Lakes, Warehouses and Vaults

Throughout the past several years, everyone has been talking about big data. Businesses looking to be more data-driven have to incorporate a whole range of different infrastructures. However, it can be difficult to understand where your data lakes and warehouses meet, and why you might even need a data vault.

Quite simply, each of these concepts boils down to finding ways to ingest and manage your data in an effective way for today's data analytics driven decision-making. Below is a breakdown of the options, how they relate and what they are used for.

Migrating to the Cloud? Here’s Why Automation is Essential

Nearly 60 percent of North American enterprises now rely on cloud platforms, according to a recent Forrester survey. The benefits of cloud are well known, but the question marks that remain have left a significant number of organizations hesitant to make the jump.

Several factors can slow down a company’s decision to adopt the cloud. Many organizations have the pre-conceived notions that cloud adoption comes with security risks and threats of data leakage. In reality, on-premise is probably just as risky than those fronts.