Test Plan vs. Test Case: Key Differences

Software applications are becoming more complex, demanding a robust test process for all critical features due to technological advancements. In software testing, verification and validation are essential to ensure the proper functioning and performance of the software applications. Quality Analysts (QA) and software developers should have reasonable control and understanding of the testing process to have a robust test approach throughout the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). 

In STLC, there are different phases, which have respective goals and deliverables. Among these, test planning and test case development are the two crucial phases. Comparing a test plan vs. a test case, the test plan is a written document that details the test strategy, scope of testing, resources, and others. On the other hand, test cases are the comprehensive instructions or steps needed for testing and validation of particular features of software applications. They are often used interchangeably but hold significant differences that must be understood. 

Sanity Testing vs. Regression Testing: Key Differences

As part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), different types of testing are performed, each targeting specific elements and aspects of the software application. Among those, sanity and regression testing are two of the most important types of software testing. 

Comparing sanity testing and regression testing, sanity testing is the process that involves a quick test of the software application when it goes through any minor changes to make sure that the software is stable for further testing. When it comes to regression testing, it validates the changes made to the software (fixing bugs, adding features) haven't broken anything and that everything built previously works as expected. 

Risk Based Testing: Comprehensive Guide With Best Practices

Risk based testing (RBT) is a type of software testing that focuses on identifying and prioritizing high-risk areas of the software applications being tested. In simple terms, risk based testing is an approach that evaluates the features of software applications at high risk of failure based on software complexity.

Even though there are other software testing types like white box testing, grey box testing, and system testing that focus on testing every feature of software applications, why do we need risk based testing?

QA Metrics Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Quality Assurance or QA metrics are the indicators that allow quantitative analysis of the quality and efficiency of the software development and testing life cycle. The QA metrics are used to estimate the progress of software development and the outcome of the test results. You can easily track and monitor the status of the QA activities, evaluate and measure team efficiency and optimize the entire Software Development Life Cycle.

Without QA metrics, you won't be able to measure and analyze the quality of the software application. Defining the critical QA metrics during the development process and estimating how well the developed software application works is crucial.

Grey Box Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Grey box testing is the technique to debug and evaluate the vulnerabilities of software applications. In such a method, the testers have only limited knowledge of the internal structure or components of the software applications under test.

In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), testing is the crucial phase that verifies the quality of the software application. In this development cycle, different software testing techniques like black box and white box testing are used to evaluate the performance and function of software applications and ensure their quality.

Sanity Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide

Sanity testing is a type of software testing executed on the stable build of an application with minor code changes. It is also known as surface-level testing. A sanity test is performed to ensure the application works as expected after the bug fixes or changes in the code.

In the Software Development Life Cycle, software testing is an integral part of ensuring the performance of the software application. It is performed to find any bug or error that could lead to the failure of the software application. Such failure could be costly for the organization as it could not provide the expected user experience. Hence, it is suggested to check everything before the release of the software application in the market.

Software Testing Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples And Best Practices

Software testing is the process of verifying the working of the software system or application. In other words, it ensures the software application is bug-free and addresses the technical and user requirements. It not only focuses on finding bugs or errors in the software but also considers measures to enhance the software quality in terms of usability, accuracy, and efficiency.

Suppose you are building a software application that involves writing a bunch of codes and fixing bugs. These are part of the Software Development Life Cycle that developers and testers follow. However, it is their accountability to check or verify the code in line with the requirements and performance of the application.

Retesting Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide With Examples and Best Practices

Retesting is a process of validating a specific feature whose function failed during the previous test. It is done to verify whether the test cases reported with some bugs during the execution time are fixed.

In the software development lifecycle, the major crucial elements are testing the software's functionality, performance, security, and other aspects, which involves checking the software for any errors. However, the major challenge is validating the software's working in line with the target audience. It is crucial to ensure the effectiveness and dependability of the developed software, and here retesting dives in as the savior.

Cypress vs. Puppeteer: A Detailed Comparison

The availability of various tools in the market has often kept you thinking about which tool is appropriate for testing the web application. It is important to test the web application to ensure that it functions as per the user’s requirement and gives a high-end user experience. End-to-end testing is an approach that is designed to ensure the functionality of the applications by automating the browsers to run the scenario of particular actions made by end users.

To accomplish this, Cypress and Puppeteer have commonly used tools, and their detailed comparison is the main focus of the blog. The use of Cypress has increased in the recent year for web automation testing addressing issues faced by modern web applications. Now, Puppeteer is also widely accepted for web automation testing. This triggered debate on Cypress vs. Puppeteer. To have a piece of good information on the testing tools and Cypress vs. Puppeteer’s detailed comparison is crucial.