Open Source RT-Thread RTOS Auto-Initialization Mechanism Analysis

RT-Thread is an open-source embedded real-time operating system with rich middle-tier components and an excellent hardware and software ecosystem, all delivering fantastic support for the Internet of Things industry. Since its inception in 2006, RT-Thread has powered 1.5 billion devices, including Wearables, Smart Home Appliances, Automotive Electronics, Medical Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Energy, and many other industries.

On March 15, RT-Thread is partnered with NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, and WCHElectronics to bring an IoT Webinar: Power the IoT Devices. Free Register Here.

June 1-3 Open Source RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference

The 2021 RT-Thread IoT OS Tech Conference has 1500+ developers registered for the conference, over 20 topics were shared, featured on the open-source RT-Thread OS projects and the new development RT-Smart Micro-Kernel OS, RISC-V ecosystems and associated manufacturers introduced, STM32 ecosystems, embedded projects showcase, IoT security, trending technical knowledge such as AI, ROS, Rust, Micropython, and more!

The 2022 RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference will continue kicking off with unique insights, exciting innovative technologies, inspiring projects showcases.

How to Use Rust for Embedded Development

Rust is a language that empowers everyone to build reliable and efficient software. It features:

  • High Performance: Rust features amazingly fast speed and high memory utilization.
  • Reliability: Memory errors are able to be eliminated during compilation.
  • Productivity: Great documentation, a friendly compiler with useful error messages, and top-notch tooling are just a few of Rust's benefits. It comes with an integrated package manager and build tool, smart multi-editor support with auto-completion and type inspections, an auto-formatter, and more.

Why Use Rust for Embedded Development?

Rust is designed to guarantee both security and high performance. The design philosophy fits right into what embedded development requires.

Sept. 16-17: Free Virtual IoT OS Tech Conference

The first-ever RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference will be held from September 16–17,2021 features embedded technologies, new projects showcase, community contributors track. We welcome embedded developers from across different countries to come together to exchange ideas, showcase projects, identify solutions, discuss future strategies, and provide mutual learning opportunities on a wide variety of topics, let’s exploring embedded technologies.

Register for free here!

RT-Thread Tech Conference

About RT-Thread

RT-Thread is an embedded real-time operating system, with its rich middle-tier components and great hardware & software ecosystem delivered great support for the Internet of Things (IoT) industry. Born in 2006, till now, RT-Thread has powered 1 billion devices, applied in Wearable Devices, Smart Home Appliances, Energy, Automotive Electronics, Medical Electronics, Consumer Electronics, and many other industries.

Port Operating Systems to New Chip Architectures

I was once asked why computers are called "computers" when they do so much more than compute numbers. A modern PC browses the internet, plays audio and video, generates beautiful graphics for video games and movies, simulates and predicts complex weather patterns and epidemiological risks, brings architectural and engineering blueprints to life, and much more.

The reason computers can do all of this because all these problems can be expressed as numerical equations, and the computer's CPU—its central processing unit—is actually little more than a simple calculator.

Release of RT-Thread Studio IDE v2.1.0


RT-Thread Studio IDE v2.1.0 is releasing! In my last article, you got to know the features of RT-Thread Studio and may have downloaded it for development. So let's head to see what's NEW in its v2.1.0.

Make Your Own Board Supported Packages!

RT-Thread Studio V2.1.0 offers a tool associated with tutorials, which helps developers create the BSP visually. Developers can now easily make a board support package (BSP) and upload it online via the SDK Manager. The BSP tool supports configuring the graphic configuration of dev boards, documentation, and projects. The prompt of every configuration item is shown in front of the interface to help you understand. Also, this time, the Studio team gives a sweet thought. They make the configuration information available for preview! Check out this tutorial to make a BSP by yourself. 

Top 10 Out-of-Box Software Packages of All Time in RT-Thread IoT OS

RT-Thread is an embedded open-source real-time operating system. It has a rich middle-tier component and a great hardware and software ecosystem that delivers great support for the Internet of Things (IoT). Until now, RT-Thread has powered 800 Million devices. This article takes you through the top 10 downloads of Software Packages in the RT-Thread IoT platform.

1. at_device (63706 Downloads)

The AT device software package is composed of the transplantation files and sample codes of the RT-Thread AT component for different AT devices.