Guide to Verification Emails – Best Practices and Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Guide to Verification Emails – Best Practices and Examples

Guide to Verification Emails - Best Practices and Best Examples

Email validation scares entrepreneurs away since it sounds like a thing that needs extraordinary technical skills. That is not entirely true. Even though it is a complex mechanism that includes a series of sophisticated tests and algorithms, it is straightforward …

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How to Write an Upsell Email to Increase Average Order Size

This post is originally published on Designmodo: How to Write an Upsell Email to Increase Average Order Size

How to Write an Upsell Email to Increase Average Order

One of the simplest methods to increase your average order value and boost your bottom line is the upsell. Surprisingly, many entrepreneurs overlook this golden sales opportunity, dedicating all their time to promotional emails and investing in holiday campaigns. However, …

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Giveaway Emails: Essentials, Best Practices, and Inspiring Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Giveaway Emails: Essentials, Best Practices, and Inspiring Examples

Giveaway Emails - Essentials, Best Practices and Inspiring Examples

As one of the most engaging and promising communication channels, email marketing offers numerous instruments to help entrepreneurs run their companies successfully. Along with promotional, transactional, and informational newsletters, the giveaway email can be a real boost for business. The …

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Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails, Examples and Best Practices

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails, Examples and Best Practices

Guide to Customer Appreciation Emails - Examples and Best Practices

Email marketing is an incredibly diverse area. It is about not only touting goods and keeping users up-to-date but maintaining healthy relationships with customers. The digital world can be cold and misleading. Therefore, without a one-to-one connection with clients, your …

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Improve your Campaign with Gift Card Emails: Best Practices and Examples

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Improve your Campaign with Gift Card Emails: Best Practices and Examples

Gift card emails are one of the most underused marketing avenues. People like discounts, special offers, and presents. Reciprocity goes a long way; even the smallest bonus can easily win over clients and compel them to visit your website. This …

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Best Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google Analytics

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Best Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google Analytics

Best Privacy-Focused Alternatives to Google Analytics

Google has a treasure chest of helpful tools. From Chrome Dev Tools to G Suite to Google Meet, there is something for everyone. Among these professional utilities, Google Analytics occupies the lead position. Created to track website activity, Google Analytics …

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Email Design Trends for 2021

This post is originally published on Designmodo: Email Design Trends for 2021

Email Design Trends for 2021

Even though the world looked different in 2020, subscribers’ tastes and preferences continued to shape and change elements of successful email design. Email design trends for 2021 suggest that people will be delighted to see newsletters with long text to …

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