How to Build a Company Culture That Will Last

Great managers lead the way to a healthy, sustainable culture.

Company culture is the promise you make to your candidates and employees about the environment they can expect to work in and the principles upon which your business operates. Sound familiar?

But it's about more than just surface-level inputs like who you hire and what perks and benefits you offer.

The Science of Happiness in the Workplace and Effective Teams

For happiness researcher Shawn Achor, you can't have a happy workplace without connection to your colleagues.

In 1935, U.S. biologist Hugh Smith found himself lost deep in the Southeast Asian jungle, floating down a river in pitch darkness. As he progressed farther in his canoe, he saw what appeared to be lightning strike one of the mangrove trees on the banks of the river. And then, to his astonishment, it struck the same tree again, and many more trees around it, one by one.

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What Smith saw that day turned out to not be lightning strikes, but rather a biological phenomena called synchrony, wherein the lightning bugs that were sitting on those mangrove trees all lit up in perfect unison. And this discovery turned existing research on these insects upside down.