GitHub Action Recipes: Building and Pushing Docker Images to a Container Registry

This GitHub Actions workflow builds a Docker image, tags it, and pushes it to one of three container registries. Here’s a Gist with the boilerplate code.

Building Docker Images and Pushing to a Container Registry

If you haven’t yet integrated GitHub Actions with your private container registry, this tutorial is a good place to start. The resulting workflow will log in to your private registry using the provided credentials, build existing Docker images by path, and push the resulting images to a container registry. We’ll discuss how to do this for GHCR, Docker Hub, and Harbor.

How To: Run an OSS Wordle Clone With Docker Compose

Wordle took the internet by storm after its release in late 2021. For many, it’s still a morning ritual that pairs seamlessly with a cup of coffee and the start of a work day. As a DevOps engineer, is there a single better way to warm up your mind other than puzzling out a Docker Compose file and then indulging in the world’s favorite word game? Well, the jury’s still out on that one, but this tutorial can let you see for yourself.

Why Write a Docker Compose File?

Even in an application with a single Dockerfile, a Docker Compose file can be a useful asset. Working from a Dockerfile often requires lengthy build and run commands, which can be migrated into a Compose file. This way, you aren't copying and pasting complex commands on every new build. Instead, your entire application builds and runs with just docker compose up. This is even more valuable when using an application with multiple Dockerfiles: you no longer need to individually build and run each Dockerfile.

Getting Started With Kubernetes In 2 Days

Kubernetes (commonly abbreviated as K8s) is an open-source platform for container orchestration that we use extensively at Shipyard. It automates many of the tasks involved in maintaining a container-based app, such as deploying, scaling, load-balancing, and auto-scaling.

Kubernetes Done Wrong

Kubernetes is a major asset for modern container management and has streamlined deployment for thousands of companies. However, it is infamous for its steep learning curve. Simply put, Kubernetes is difficult to get right.

Containers are Here to Stay

Containers are not a fad. They’re never overkill for any project and they simplify many aspects of development, even when running locally. With a wide selection of relevant tools and resources, there has never been a better time than now to implement containers in your organization and get ahead of the curve.

What Are Containers?

Containers are portable, self-sufficient, standardized units that store all code, assets, and dependencies of a program. They can be shared and run on virtually any hardware. Containerization has been around for years, although it has recently been gaining more traction with the advent of Docker. Many organizations are recognizing the value of managing their code in a simplified, shareable, and maintainable way. What does this mean for you and your organization?