The Benefits of Open Source and the Risks of Open Core [Recording]

The open source movement has taken center stage in software development, and its influence echoes through other areas of life, such as open culture and open data. Many software companies hope to cement both their revenue sources and their status in open source communities by offering a mixture of open source (also called “free”) and closed (proprietary) software. The combination is generally called open core which brings with it often hidden and misunderstood risks.

Despite the widespread adoption of open core software, we believe it tends to have negative long-term impacts on vendors and customers alike. After watching the webinar, we invite you to draw your own conclusions. We'll discuss:

Scaling Feature Flag Management for Better Progressive Delivery [Webinar]

The concept of "progressive delivery" using feature flags has rapidly grown in recent years as the "new standard" in DevOps excellence, and for good reason. The concept of using feature flags to decouple deployment from release to deliver "progressively" expands the principles of continuously improving software directly into production with real users -- in a safe, controlled way. Further, feature flags provide a wide variety of safety and speed improvements within software delivery, effectively "supercharging" CI/CD in new ways. 

However, achieving these software delivery benefits at scale doesn't come without downsides. Complexity can grow in testing, accrual of technical debt, and general visibility and governance of feature flags across CI/CD toolchains. 

Securing Web Applications and APIs With Confidence [Webinar Sign-up]

The number of web applications and APIs exposed to the internet are growing exponentially. Unsecure web applications and APIs are low-hanging fruit that attackers are targeting to steal sensitive data. In a recent report “State of the Web Security for H1 2020,” CDNetworks highlighted that, in particular, web application attacks rose by 800%.

Legacy WAFs can no longer provide comprehensive coverage for cloud native architectures since attackers are looking to exploit unsecured APIs, Bad Bots, and more. Security, operations, and infrastructure teams require a holistic solution with comprehensive protection across the full application lifecycle.

Increase Security With Ephemeral Access Control [On-Demand]

Workforces today are dynamic, with employees, contractors, freelancers, and other third parties constantly changing roles, projects, or moving companies. This makes it difficult for IT teams to manage access controls in a timely manner and opens the door for hackers to take advantage of over-provisioned users and accounts that should have been deactivated. To counteract this issue, ephemeral access controls set temporary access rights that remove the need to manually revoke credentials. 

Watch this webinar recording to learn about the security benefits of switching to an ephemeral access control model and how this can help eliminate the burden placed on IT and Security teams. Importantly, we will discuss what ephemeral access control solutions exist today that can be integrated into your current security stack.

How to Overcome “The Great Resignation” at Your Company [Webinar Sign-up]

If you're working to hire developers in today's market, congratulations, you are now the candidate! With 500,000 job openings for software developers in the U.S. alone, you're in a tough hiring market. "The Great Resignation" is being used to describe this turbulence in the market and every day you run the risk of missing your software delivery plans based on empty seats and disengaged developers. Every company has reevaluated how they are attracting and retaining their developers to compete in this post-pandemic market and are making changes to how they operate their teams. 

Join us on December 10th, and we'll look at the current market trends for the developer hiring market and give both leaders and developers practical steps that they can take to attract new developers and keep the ones they have in the year ahead. You'll learn:

How to Fix the 5 Most Common AWS IaC Misconfigurations [Webinar Sign-up]

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is critical for developing cloud-native applications at scale, but with added complexity comes added security considerations. If gone undetected, one IaC misconfiguration can snowball into hundreds of alerts and cloud risk. 

In this talk, we analyzed the most common AWS misconfigurations within Bridgecrew’s IaC scan data to illustrate the importance of IaC security. We’ll walk through each of the misconfigurations, the potential risk they pose, and show how to fix them.

Mastering Outsourced Digital Product Engineering – Beyond 2021 [On-Demand]

Software product engineering has dramatically evolved in the last decade to accommodate changing shifts in technology and the emergence of Product-as-a-Service. IT contracts are moving away from conventional engagement models towards value-oriented service integration at competitive price points. Organizations need to invest in long-term vendor relationships that guarantee end-to-end project ownership, technology trust, process maturity, agility, scalability, and focused innovation.

In this on-demand webinar, we highlight the newer dimensions of outsourced digital product engineering and how you can form great technology partnerships that deliver enhanced business value. Watch industry veterans dissect the benefits of outsourcing and provide tips on selecting an expert partner with agile, streamlined processes, and well-established security policies.

Introducing ShiftLeft Educate – Security Training for Developers [Webinar]

Secure coding practices are proven to reduce the number of vulnerabilities introduced. However, not all developers are well versed in security. There is a lot of training material available but it often takes hours of reading to get a good understanding. While trying to mitigate a potential vulnerability, developers are looking for information that is actionable and specific to the programming language they are using.

In this session, we will look at our new training offering - ShiftLeft Educate. See how developers can get context-sensitive information on vulnerabilities and potential mitigations and also see how security training can be rolled out and managed across an entire engineering organization.

Make Analytical Data Available to Everyone by Overcoming the 5 Biggest Challenges [Webinar]

"Data and analytics for all!” — the admirable, new mantra for today’s companies. But it’s not easy to put all of an organization’s analytical data and assets into the hands of everyone that needs it. That’s why embarking on this democratization initiative requires you to be prepared to overcome the five monumental challenges you undoubtedly will face.

Join us for this interactive webcast where we will: explore the recommended components of an all-encompassing, extended analytics architecture; dive into the details of what stands between you and data democratization success, and; reveal how a new open data architecture maximizes data access with minimal data movement and no data copies.

What Does Being Cloud-Native Mean for a Database? [Webinar Sign-up]

Different cloud-native technologies and methodologies – including containers, Kubernetes, microservices, and service meshes – are all being used by organizations today, particularly enterprise developers and DevOps teams, 90% of which say cloud-native is somewhat or very important. As development and DevOps start to become "cloud-native," the database should too. But, what does being cloud-native mean for a database?

Learn how Couchbase maximizes cloud-native technologies' advantages by natively integrating using the Couchbase Autonomous Operator to deliver a geo-distributed database platform, providing a hybrid, multi-cloud database solution for organizations. Couchbase Autonomous Operator enables developers and DevOps teams to run Couchbase as a stateful database application next to their microservices applications on a Kubernetes platform, which frees organizations from cloud vendor lock-in and supports hybrid and multi-cloud strategies.

RBAC for SSH and Kubernetes Access With Teleport [Webinar Sign-up]

Enterprises are best served by leveraging an RBAC system to manage access to their SSH and Kubernetes resources. With Teleport, an open source software, employers are able to provide granular access controls to developers based on the access they need and when they need it. This makes it possible for employers to maintain secure access without getting in the way of their developers’ daily operations. 

Join Steven Martin, Solution Engineer at Gravitational, as he demonstrates how to assign access to developers and SRE’s across environments with Teleport through roles mapped from enterprises’ identity providers or SSOs.

Maximize Your Google Cloud Investment With Redis Enterprise

Google Cloud is used by many of the world’s top organizations, and provides an array of top-shelf solutions from developer tools to databases. Among these resources is Redis Enterprise Cloud, a robust in-memory data platform built by the same group that developed open source Redis.

Join Google Customer Engineer Matt Cowger and Redis Labs Senior Solution Architect Jake Angerman as they discuss how technology teams employ Redis Enterprise Cloud on Google Cloud to maximize the value of the cloud.

Scaling for Extreme Growth? The Data Layer is Ground Zero! [On-demand Webinar]

To make good decisions you need good data.  Currently 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day, and the amount of data will continue to increase exponentially as the digital economy matures. But it’s not enough to have data — it needs to be data that you can get and process in real-time that is most valuable for today’s digital apps and services. IDC's “Data Age 2025” whitepaper, predicts that nearly 30% of the global datasphere will be real-time by 2025.

The challenge, irrespective of how big or small your company might be, is scale. Scaling for extreme growth — moving from tens-to-hundreds of terabytes to petabytes is both an art and science. 

Live Tech Talk and Demo: Getting Started with DevOps on Snowflake [Webinar Sign-up]

The benefits of building a DevOps culture in software companies are clear. DevOps practices integrate once-siloed teams across the software development lifecycle, from Dev to QA to Ops, resulting in both faster innovation and improved product quality. As a result, most software development teams have deployed tools to enable DevOps practices across their workflow. 

The topic of database DevOps is trending right now and most Snowflake customers are asking about it, especially those who want to build a modern data platform in the cloud. But actually doing DevOps for a database environment is difficult and has some unique challenges compared with doing DevOps for applications.

Managing Business Risks of Large Scale Cloud Migrations [Webinar Sign-up]

The leading enterprises continue to drive digital transformation and are modernizing their data architecture to take advantage of the many economic and functional benefits enabled by the cloud. While the move to the cloud is making companies more competitive, lean and nimble, many technical teams are concerned about the complexities and business risks associated with large scale data migrations.

Join technical experts from Infosys and WANdisco as they share technical insights about the risks and costs associated with large scale data migrations. Learn how technical teams can avoid these business risks by leveraging a LiveData approach using WANdisco solutions, and how Infosys and WANdisco have recently worked together on behalf of a global retailer on a successful 3.5 petabyte business-critical data migration project, completing it in 72 days with minimal business disruption and zero data loss.