8 Must-Have Project Reports You Can Use Today

Knowing exactly what state your project is in is important

You'll need to report on the progress of each assignment and summarize what's been completed so far. You should start keeping track of these as soon as you begin planning any project because chances are, you'll forget something or think of something completely different by the time the task is finished.  If everything goes according to plan, then great! However, chances are good that you'll miss a deadline or a small detail will turn out to be more complicated than expected. 

The Right Way to Hybridize Your Product Development Technique

In this post, we'll be talking about how to combine the best aspects of two different product development techniques to create a hybrid approach that saves you time and money while helping you avoid risks to your company.


You see, creatives (myself included) are often very passionate about what we do and would love nothing more than to do it all on our own.