How to run visual studio console application from windows server on linux m

Hello ,

I have question regarding visual studio , I have a console application that uses some data from Linux server ,

how can I run my application remotely from my windows on Linux without having to add the application on the Linux server .. for the sake of debugging I added my application on the server to try it and it worked but how to do that remotely ?

Thank in advance

How to connect to Linux remote server From VS ?

Hello ,

I have been trying to connect to remote server using SSH using Microsoft visual studio but nothing is happening after i add all needed data in the cross platform logging I receive the below error connecting then disconnecting

11:33:35.6941763 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.RemoteSystemBase: Connecting over SSH to XXX
11:33:36.7780902 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.IO.RemoteFileSystemImpl: Connecting over SFTP to XXX
11:33:39.3000818 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "cat /etc/os-release" finished with exit code 0 after 298.5809ms
11:33:39.5980746 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "uname -m" finished with exit code 0 after 297.281ms
11:33:39.8970738 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "uname -r" finished with exit code 0 after 299.1883ms
11:33:40.1990721 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "g++ -v" finished with exit code 0 after 300.1512ms
11:33:40.4890717 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "clang++ -v" finished with exit code 127 after 289.8193ms
11:33:40.7890707 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gdbserver --version" finished with exit code 127 after 299.9822ms
11:33:41.0850713 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gcc -v" finished with exit code 0 after 295.8968ms
11:33:41.3711525 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 286.4583ms
11:33:41.6810698 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "/usr/bin/gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 308.9318ms
11:33:41.9950679 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "/usr/local/bin/gdb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 314.5698ms
11:33:42.4430672 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "rsync -v" finished with exit code 1 after 447.5424ms
11:33:42.7380674 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "lldb -v" finished with exit code 127 after 295.3465ms
11:33:43.0400660 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "ninja --version" finished with exit code 127 after 300.8438ms
11:33:43.3320651 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "cmake --version" finished with exit code 127 after 292.3541ms
11:33:43.6300644 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.Shell.CommonCommandBase: Command "make -v" finished with exit code 0 after 298.269ms
11:33:43.6310646 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.RemoteSystemBase: Disconnecting over SSH from XXX
11:33:43.6310646 [Info, Thread 1]   liblinux.IO.RemoteFileSystemImpl: Disconnecting over SFTP from XXX

I have read the Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio: New SSH integration for Linux targeting article that Microsoft provided however in terminals I am not getting the connection in the dropdown ...

Can please someone help me to identify what is the problem and how can I can solve it ?

Thank you

Task Parallel Programming Vs Threads

Hello , I have a small question using Parrallism in c# , why did Microsoft came up with Task Parallel Library(TPL) .. why they did not use only threads in other words what did the TPL overcame in the threads problems??
Can some one help me to understand?

WatermelonDB Error

I have been trying to connect to watermelonDB however i keep getting this error
TypeError : null isnot an object (evaluating 'DatabaseBridge[methodName]')
I looked all over the network but couldn't find a solution the problem that i am not generting or writing the DataBaseBridge it should be generated automatically with the packages ...

Can any one help with that urgently !!!

Filter Query Nodejs and mySQL

Hello ,

I have a program which show reports of students i habe multipile dropdown lists in my page and what the supervisor do is selecting what he wants to show first " for example students who live in usa " /ps i have multi dropdown lists /then my program show him all records in database of these filters .. but my query is not working what i do is

"Select * from students as s where" +"(" + address.length ==0+"||" +address.includes('s.adr') "

Notes ;
Address.length ==0 because i want to all the records in case of the supervisor did not choose country and and wanted all countries in th DB ,,,,

Also note that addres is array containig all the countries that supervisor choose

What i am doing wrong here and how can i vorrect it


free 3 of 9 barcode

Hello ,
i am using free 3 of 9 barcode to create a bar code of each student in my DB , the problem that in my card it is not shown as it is supposed to be but as 98777


so any one knows how i can solve that or what could be the problem???


Website ASP NET & C# , sql DB problem

Hello , mu website objective is to some kind of reposrts the problem when i retrive for example the people in my dtabase under specific age the grid view does not show me all of them i have googled this problem and i found that it can not retrive more than 2100 row ... is that server probelm or what ?
And if it is not how can i solve that ??

Thanks in advance

Website ASP NET & C#

Hello , i am creating new website using asp net and c# .. what i am basically doing is that i have somedata in my database and will let the user show them in report based on what he is gonna choose to display for example i have in my DB (id , name , birthdate and address ) for example i will be doing some sort of filter for user to choose what to display and he chose (id and name ) i will added these coloumns to my gridview and i will create new datatable in my c# code and then bind that datatable to my gridview ...

in my 1stField i have the checked values (which columns the user chose to display)

foreach (ListItem item in lstFields.Items)


grdData.Columns.Add(new BoundField() { HeaderText = item.Text, DataField = item.Value });


what i wanna ask here how can i add the coloumns in my datatable based on what he choose ...

another question if in my datatable i added all the 4 columns in my database and in my gridview there was two columns only
.. and then i binded the datatable to the gridview will that work as i could not know how to add the columns to my table ????

assume in illustartaed photo there is total of attendance in this week so i need to loop over array of people


so what i did i was apple to add in the gridview the columns i need and also i was able to add the headers in my datatable(dt) dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(item.Text)); like that ...
but my proplem i don not know which columns were chose as i wanna do it dynamically but whiat i am doing it next made me do it manually

foreach (var x in persons)
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["PersonId"] = x.PersonId.ToString();
                    dr["PersonName"] = x.PersonName;
                    dr["PersonCode"] = x.PersonCode;

i hope you understand my problem ............Thanks

Aspx net and c#

Hello i have question i am new at using aspx and c# ..
after i get my website from server using FTP i can access the aspx page only but i can not view the code of c# behind it .. i think they are saved in bin file but how can i view them .. thanks

problem with zuEuz server

Hello ..

i have created an asp net web app (.Net FrameWork ) website local "which has connection with my local sql database " on my device and i want some other client to work on it remotly ... i have tried to get IIS but faced different some problems in it ...

so i have used zuEuz server instead ... but still facing same problem in accessing it remotly however i have managed to get it work on my pc and my devices connected to same network ...

i have done the followig ::

assigning firewall port for it ..
changed my router port to allow it ...

but when someone tries to access it remotly it gets thet page that it took long time to reposne how to solve that ...


Hosting asp net web app on my pc

Hello i have aproblem with hosting my localwebsite suppose it on pc A
My target is to allow pc B (not on same network ) to access pc A and work on it .{my website hs connection to my local sql database }.
i am using IIs 7 .. i have read that in order to do this i have to get service management in IIS which i can not show in the UI .. i don't know why ?

Someone told me that i have to have my pc running on windows server ... as my cirrent is windows 10 pro is that right ?
Or i can do it on 10pro if yes why can't i manage to get service management in IIS ...
