Automated Cross-Browser Testing With Protractor and Selenium

What Do We Mean By JavaScript Test Automation Frameworks?

There has been a major growth in JavaScript framework usage over the past few years, the reason is, nowadays most of the apps are developed using technology like Angular or React. In fact, initially, Angular was the first choice for web developers, however, by the end of 2018, we could see major dominance over the web for React. React may even continue to dominate 2019 as well.

JavaScript test automation frameworks are end-to-end frameworks specialized to run automation scripts for web applications. However, choosing the right one can be very challenging based on the following criteria:

Using the Galen Framework for Automated Cross-Browser Layout Testing

The Galen framework is a test automation framework which was originally introduced to perform cross-browser layout testing. It has become a fully functional testing framework with rich reporting and test management systems. This framework supports both Java and JavaScript.

Are you wondering about what cross-browser layout testing is? Well, let me clarify. So, you've developed a fast-functioning website using Google Chrome. Everything is working as expected. The UI is neat and you feel a sense of accomplishment. Now, you show this to your product manager, stakeholder, or any other user who has his/her default browser set to Mozilla Firefox/Safari/Opera or any browser other than Google Chrome, and you are surprised to notice the UI look different. This implies that your website isn’t cross-browser compatible. The practice to ensure that the layout of a website looks and runs seamlessly across various browsers is called cross-browser layout testing. We are living in an era where responsive design is turning into a necessity for every website. If you are looking to address the following challenges for responsive site layout across multiple devices, then Galen is one of the best open source frameworks to choose: