How To Make a Rest API Call In React


This article provides an overview of making a REST API call in the React library using JavaScript Fetch API. The readers of this article must have some prior knowledge of using React library for creating user interfaces. It uses a functional component approach and controlled form for building component-based design. This article demonstrates a use case for posting blog content in the MongoDB database as an example.

Functional Components

Functional components are written using JavaScript function syntax in React. When compared with class-based components, they use much less code and are easier to understand. Class components follow ECMAScript 6 (ES6) class-based syntax for defining components and are relatively complex for the following reasons:

How to Make a REST API Call in Angular


This article elaborates on the main steps of making a REST API call in the Angular framework. To understand this article, the reader must have a basic understanding of HTTP, HTML, TypeScript, and Angular framework. Further, the reader must have knowledge about creating services and dependency injection in the Angular framework. 

What Is Angular Service?

"A service in Angular acts as a reusable data access point and is written using a Typescript class." In real-world applications, data accessed from external sources is required in multiple components. We need a single, reusable data access point, and service serves this purpose. By defining such processing tasks in an injectable service class, we make those tasks available to any component. 

How to Make an Ajax Call in Laravel


In this article, we will go through the main steps of making an Ajax call in the Laravel framework. To understand this article, the reader must have a basic understanding of HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel framework, and MySQL database.

What Is Ajax

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for making asynchronous calls to the server. It is a particular way of using JavaScript language for downloading data from the server in the background. Ajax allows us to dynamically update part of a web page without making the user wait, thus improving the overall user experience. It is now an integral part of modern web development and helps in creating rich, user-friendly websites.