Can anyone help me.

When ever run this program, I can't get the total price right and I tried it so many times but failed. Can anyone help me where or how to fix this mistake. This is my mini project for my assessment :(.

using namespace std;
int main ()
    char name [30], ic [20];
    char day [10], date [10];
    char package, vehicle_code;
    char number_plate [10];
    double price, total;

    cout<<"\n\n                              ===================================================================";
    cout<<"\n                              |-----------------------------------------------------------------|";
    cout<<"\n                              |                                                                 |";
    cout<<"\n                              |____________________WELCOME TO BOOK PLUS PARKING_________________|";
    cout<<"\n                              |                                                                 |";
    cout<<"\n                              |-----------------------------------------------------------------|";
    cout<<"\n                              ===================================================================";

    cout<<"\n\n                              Please enter your name:";
    cin.getline (name, 30);
    cout<<"\n                              Please enter your IC number:";
    cin.getline (ic,20);

    cout<<"\n\n                               ===============================================================================================";
    cout<<"\n                               | DAY                    | TYPE OF VEHICLE           | PACKAGE PROVIDED           |PRICE (RM) |";
    cout<<"\n                               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    cout<<"\n                               | Weekday                | Car                       | A (1/2 hour)               | 5.50      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | B (3/4 hour)               | 8.30      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | C (5+ hour)                | 10.00     |";
    cout<<"\n                               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        | Motorcycle                | A (1/2 hour)               | 3.50      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | B (3/4 hour)               | 5.30      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | C (5+ hour)                | 8.00      |";
    cout<<"\n                               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    cout<<"\n                               | Weekend                | Car                       | A (1/2 hour)               | 6.50      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | B (3/4 hour)               | 9.30      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | C (5+ hour)                | 11.00     |";
    cout<<"\n                               -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        | Motorcycle                | A (1/2 hour)               | 4.50      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | B (3/4 hour)               | 6.30      |";
    cout<<"\n                               |                        |                           | C (5+ hour)                | 9.00      |";
    cout<<"\n                               ===============================================================================================";

    cout<<"\n\n                              =====================================================================";
    cout<<"\n                              | TYPE OF VEHICLE                    | VEHICLE CODE                 |";
    cout<<"\n                              ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    cout<<"\n                              | Car                                | 'C'                          |";
    cout<<"\n                              -------------------------------------------------------------------- ";
    cout<<"\n                              | Motorcycle                         | 'M'                          |";
    cout<<"\n                              =====================================================================";

    cout<<"\n\n                              Please enter day of booking:";
    cout<<"\n                                Please enter date of booking:";
    cin.getline (date,10);

    cout<<"\n                                Please enter vehicle code:";
    cout<<"\n                                 Please choose package:";

    if (strcmp (day,"Monday")|| (day, "Tuesday")|| (day, "Wednesday")|| (day, "Thursday")|| (day,"Friday"))
        if (vehicle_code == 'C')
            if (package == 'A')
                price = 5.50;
            else if (package == 'B')
                price = 8.30;
            else if (package == 'C')
                price = 10.00;
                cout<<"\n                      INVALID PACKAGE!";
        else if (vehicle_code == 'M')
            if (package == 'A')
                price = 3.50;
            else if (package == 'B')
                price = 5.30;
            else if (package == 'C')
                price = 8.00;
                cout<<"\n                      INVALID PACKAGE!";
            cout<<"\n                           INVALID VEHICLE CODE!";
    else if (strcmp (day, "Saturday")|| (day,"Sunday"))
        if (vehicle_code == 'C')
            if (package == 'A')
                price = 6.50;
            else if (package == 'B')
                price = 9.30;
            else if (package == 'C')
                price = 11.00;
                cout<<"\n                       INVALID PACKAGE!";
        else if (vehicle_code == 'M')
            if (package == 'A')
                price = 4.50;
            else if (package = 'B')
                price  = 6.30;
            else if (package = 'C')
                price = 9.00;
                cout<<"\n                       INVALID! PACKAGE!";
            cout<<"\n                           INVALID VEHICLE CODE!";
        cout<<"\n                               INVALID DAY!";

    total = price;
    cout<<"\n                                  TOTAL PAYMENT (RM) :"<<total;

May I Know where is my mistake

using namespace std;
int main()
  string weekday;
  weekday= {"Mon","Tue","Wed", "Thu","Fri"};
  cout<<"\n Please select day of booking:";
  cout<<"\n Day of booking:";

  return 0;