Investigating CockroachDB Performance and Stability With 22k Databases and 300k Tables

When it comes to managing multi-tenancy, there are a number of architectural routes you can take. A couple of the most popular are:

  1. Create a database per tenant.
  2. Use a single database but with tenant IDs to separate out data.

Both of these options have pros and cons, but getting into that is not the intention of this blog. Today we'll be exploring what option 1 may look like on a single CockroachDB cluster.

CockroachDB and Deno: Combining Two “Quick to Start” Technologies

This tutorial will walk through building a simple application using Deno, backed by CockroachDB (CRDB) Serverless. Deno (pronounced dee-no) is a “modern runtime environment for JavaScript and TypeScript”, while CockroachDB Serverless offers a free startup that scales with your app. Both technologies claim quick startup times for developers, so I’d like to test them out together and see how quickly we can get a full end-to-end application running.

Difficulty: Beginner (assumes no prior experience with CockroachDB or Deno)