Make E2e Testing Easier With the Right Tools

End-to-end (e2e further in the text) testing is immensely important since there are issues that can only be discovered while testing the system as a whole, testing it from one end to another.

That also adds a greater level of complexity to e2e tests, making them longer, slower to execute, and with more points of potential failure compared to lower-level tests with a smaller scope, especially when compared to tiny and blazing-fast unit tests. Since e2e tests bring a lot of value, we don’t want to neglect them. We also want to make our lives easier when doing e2e testing, which we can do with the right tools. Apart from automating our e2e tests, we can speed up our e2e tests if when they are not automated. Let us dig deeper into what exactly we can do to make e2e testing easier and faster to execute.

Understanding What Is Required to Start With Test Automation for Junior Testers

Software releases have become faster than ever before. They are adding new features, quicker responses to defects, especially those found in production, and whatnot! This has resulted in a massive increase in demand for automation testers and considerable pay gaps between “manual” and “automation” testers. In addition, automated tests help companies save time by doing repetitive testing, such as regression testing.

If you are new to software testing or haven’t had an opportunity to learn test automation, this article is for you. So, without further ado, let us see what we need to learn to get started with test automation!

How Agile Architecture Spikes Are Used in Shift-Left BDD

An architecture spike in agile methodologies usually implies a software development method, which originates in the extreme programming offshoot of agile. It boils down to determining how much effort is needed to solve a particular problem or discover a workaround for an existing software issue.

So, let us explore the benefits and see how these spikes can help in improving quality and making testing easier—by shifting our attention to the left—challenging the specification at a very early phase, asking questions, and getting the ground ready for sensible software architecture, which will, in turn, improve the testability of our application under test.