Do We Need Event Sourcing?

Before we start, I would definitely recommend getting familiar with the definition and benefits of Event Sourcing. Sara did an amazing job in explaining what Event Sourcing is in more detail and comparisons. Let's briefly touch upon some Event Sourcing aspects that are going to be important for this article.

In order to validate a business rule and/or make any decision in our software, we need to create a model representation of our domain. For the purposes of this article, I'm going to call this model the Decision Model. There are different ways of storing this model durably. 

Parameter Resolvers in Axon

Axon is an open-source Java framework for building systems in CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), DDD (Domain Driven Design), and Event Sourcing manner. Axon provides a high level of location transparency, which gives the opportunity to easily split the system into several microservices. You can download the fully open-source package here. The Axon Framework consists of message-based commands, events, and queries that are supported types of messages. For each of these messages, we can define a handler (a method or constructor) to handle it. In some cases, the message itself has enough information to be handled, but in many others, we have a dependency on other components and/or variables (message metadata such as correlation information would be a good example). Axon provides a really powerful mechanism to inject these dependencies into message handlers — Parameter Resolvers. This is the story about them. At the end of this article, you can find a cheat sheet of all resolvers provided by the Axon Framework.


There are two important components that support this mechanism: the  ParameterResolver and the  ParameterResolverFactory (see Figure 1).