How to Handle Early Startup Technical Debt (Or Just Avoid it Entirely)

All early startups share the same first goal. No matter which sector you're aiming to disrupt, and no matter what groundbreaking new product or service you plan to disrupt it with, your prime directive is Get to MVP. Fast. After all, until you have something that people are willing to buy, your startup is really only an idea, not a company.

The pressure is on to launch your product or service as fast as possible and so embracing easy, "right enough for now" technical solutions makes sense in the early chaos of startup life. But as you start to find success — once you've built and launched that first crucial offering and customers start calling, once you begin hiring more teams to grow both your product and the organization that supports it — the limitations of your initial technical decisions are going to make themselves known.

Serverless for Survival

When new technologies arise, we first adopt them for their technical value. If that value proves out, then we reach the magic “crossing the chasm” moment: when a technology jumps to widespread adoption through proven business value and goes mainstream. 

Some technologies, a very select few, make one more jump forward, however — from mainstream to existential imperative.