The Unsung Heroes of Open Source: The Dedicated Maintainers Behind Lesser-Known Projects

A few days ago, I read an article by the author of Core-js. To be honest, it was my first time hearing about Core-js. As someone who has written some front-end code and has been keeping up with open source projects, I feel a bit ashamed.

However, there are many open source projects that are widely used but not well-known. In this article, I will take a closer look at a few of these unsung heroes of the open source world. I do not want to give them a business model or financial advice in this article. This largely depends on the author’s personal experience and values. I just want to raise more awareness about these open source projects.

Open-Source Highlights: Trends and Insights from GitHub 2022

We analyzed more than 5,000,000,000 rows of GitHub event data and got the results here. In this report, you'll get interesting findings about open-source software on GitHub in 2022.

Top Languages in the Open-Source World Over the Past Four Years

This chart ranks programming languages yearly from 2019 to 2022 based on the ratio of new repositories using these languages to all new repositories.

GitHub Events Are Booming! Are Bots the Reason?

The OSS Insight website displays the data changes of GitHub events in real time. GitHub events are activities triggered by user actions on GitHub, for example, commenting and forking a repository. In nearly seven weeks, GitHub events increased by about 150 million, from 4.7 billion to 4.85 billion. GitHub's events are booming!

This post dives deeply into GitHub event trending, why GitHub events are surging, and whether GitHub's architecture can handle the increasing load.