Building an Internal TLS and SSL Certificate Monitoring Agent: From Concept to Deployment

Can you monitor your internal SSL certificates? This was a question we frequently heard from our clients. Many organizations keep their services (web, database, etc.) inaccessible on the public internet, for security, compliance, cost, and other reasons. At TrackSSL, we initially offered public SSL/TLS certificate monitoring, but we often received requests from customers for private SSL certificate monitoring. Thus, we needed to find a way to monitor certificates used on servers that are not typically accessible from the Internet.

In this article, we share our journey of developing a remote certificate monitoring service using an agent that runs on an organization's private network. We share the requirements we defined, the architecture we selected, and the solution we implemented.

AWS Outages: Is North Virginia the Least Reliable AWS Region and Why?

It's a common belief among AWS users that Northern Virginia, also known as US East or N. Virginia (US-East-1), is the region with the least reliability when it comes to uptime.

To verify this, we analyzed the AWS outage history from 2022 across various regions, specifically focusing on whether N. Virginia truly experienced the most downtime.

Top 5 Datadog Integrations To Improve the Efficiency of Tech Teams

Datadog is an exceptional tool for DevOps teams, developers, and SREs. It's suitable for a broad range of cloud applications of every size. However, despite its powerful capabilities, most businesses aren't making the most of Datadog. Are you?

  • Can you see how newly launched features are affecting user experience?
  • Can you immediately see the root cause of an issue on your dashboard – without digging around? 
  • Are you managing Jira tickets directly in Datadog?

Datadog’s integrations help make the platform stand out, but using them to make Datadog more powerful can be confusing, as there are over 500 interesting tools to consider.

Image Generation in Action: 3 Methods With Code Samples and Image Generation API

In this article, we share our experience generating millions of images with DynaPictures in the last months. We will go over possible solutions needed to generate images programmatically, possible caveats and pitfalls you may hit, as well as the best practices that emerged from our experience using dynamic image generation.

So let us dive in and discuss what image generation is and then review the available options.

Using Machine Learning for Log Analysis and Anomaly Detection: A Practical Approach to Finding the Root Cause

There are many articles on applying machine learning for log analysis. However, most of them are dated, academic in nature, or don’t focus on practical outcomes. On DZone, the last time an article covering how ML can be used for log analysis was published 5 years ago.

In this article, we want to share our real-life experience on using ML/AI for log analysis and anomaly detection with the specific purpose of automatically uncovering the root cause of software issues.

7 Best Log Management Tools for Kubernetes [2020]

You may be wondering why you should bother with Kubernetes' log management tools?

Kubernetes dominates the container orchestration market and is often used to host microservices. Each instance of a microservice generates large numbers of log events that can quickly become difficult to manage.  But worse, when something goes wrong, finding the root cause can be tough due to the complex interactions between services and the near-infinite number of possible failure modes. This potential for trouble has fueled the popularity of log management tools for Kubernetes.