Copying a database file from C drive to a pendrive

I have developed a software in VB6. I want to give a menu option for back up. ie. to copy the database files to a pendrive
I have given the below code

 Dim sourcefile,Destinationfile as string
  sourcefile = App.Path & "\HHA.mdb"
  Destinationfile = Textdrive.text & "\HHA.mdb"
  Filecopy sourcefile,Destinationfile

  When worked out the above code -Permission Denied - message is displayed.

  My source file="C:\My Documents\HHA\HHA.mdb"

  When I changed my source file to "K:\HHA\Support\HHA.mdb"  - the copying worked From the C drive copying is not allowed
  Any body can help me? Any idea...

To count the number of months programmatically

I developed a programme in VB for recording my income and expenditure on a daily basis.I started recording from 5th , September ,2019. On 31 March , 2020 I want to know how many months I have recorded the transactions.Here it is September,October,November,December,January,February,and March=7.
How can I get this answer -7 by running the programme.Please anybody help me to write the code for this.