Multi-tenant SaaS: Where to Start?

Multi-tenancy is widely used in cloud computing, especially it’s a crucial feature if we talk about SaaS solutions. The idea behind the multi-tenant architecture is that one software server, database, storage, or network controller can be used by multiple customers while each client’s data is hidden from others. Single-tenancy is opposite to this and means that one software instance serves one application.

Pros and Cons of Multi-tenancy

The most obvious and the most significant benefit of multi-tenancy is cutting hosting expenses through the maximally effective usage of resources, but there are some more very important advantages this architecture can give your business:

Data Center Tiers: Levels and Standards Explained

The ability of a data center to preserve its functionality during different types of failures like power outages refers to data center tier. When tier levels are higher, it shows its ability to sustain data for center operations and fault-tolerant systems that will permit nonstop utilization during particular types of predicaments or emergencies. What can you expect from data center tier 1 or 2, and how does it differ from data center tiers 3 and 4. 

The data center standards generate some sort of stability depending on the level of service based on the tier type and necessities it can maintain. For a period of time, 4 different tier levels have been in existence, though tier 5 is coming up with new, innovative, and more durable needs, which will be explained in this article. We will be looking at the various standards so you have a clear comprehension of the different data center tiers.

A Brief Guide to Kubernetes and Containers

A guide to Kubernetes, containerization, and virtualization.

Kubernetes is a platform for orchestrating containers and services, launched by Google in 2014. The key feature is that it naturally handles containers for you, monitors their availability and uses currently available computing capacity.

The Principle of Containerization

Containers are favored by developers around the world, mainly by addressing the shortcomings of classic virtualization.

10 Basic Facts About Kubernetes That You Didn’t Know

Kubernetes is a growing trend. In recent years, K8s technology has experienced a rapid rise from a small open source Google project to the main project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Nowadays, many organizations and companies are using it to automate the management of containerized applications. But there are a lot of questions around Kubernetes, and in this article, I will try to answer the most popular ones.

Why Your DevOps Is Not Effective: Common Conflicts in the Team

The main problem that DevOps solves is how to give businesses the ability to respond to market changes as quickly as possible.

Many companies mistakenly believe, that by trying to get in developers and administrators and implementing a couple of useful tools, they get DevOps. When we consult companies, some of them believe that they are already actively using DevOps.