Converting ActiveMQ to Jakarta (Part 1)

What Is Jakarta?

Jakarta, formerly the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE or J2EE), is the standardization of many important APIs used in enterprise and mobile Java applications. These standardized APIs allow coders to write applications with support for features such as interacting with data in databases, transmitting or retrieving data from a queue, collaborating with web services, or developing web-based applications.

The Jakarta standards and releases operate under the umbrella of the Eclipse Foundation's project framework. This foundation, a highly respected open-source organization, is responsible for various significant Java-based technologies, including a complete Java distribution. These key specifications are now set to evolve quicker and introduce new features more rapidly than when under the previous organization structure.

Release of ActiveMQ v5.17.0

On the heels of the ActiveMQ v5.16.4 release, the Apache ActiveMQ team has released v5.17.0.

Modernization Updates

The v5.17.0 release will be most notable for what comes next. This release was more about aligning Java JDK and dependencies for moving forward than adding new features.