Docker Desktop vs Rancher Desktop

I’ve been regularly asked about comparisons between Docker Desktop and Rancher Desktop. As I have moved off of Rancher Desktop to work on other things at SUSE, I figure now is a good time to write up some of my thoughts. Note, there is an amazing team working on it now. They are incredibly talented and have made it better than I imagined.

First, I need to say what respect I have for the people who have worked on Docker Desktop. Having worked on a cross-platform container desktop app, I’ve learned about so many nuances you have to deal with. They’ve done a lot of subtle work that I’ve learned to appreciate.

Go vgo: A Look at User Needs

What do users need from their package dependency management? A lot has already been written on this including the output from a survey of Go developers, a specification for a dependency management tool by those who studied the issue and possible solutions, a series on vgo by Russ Cox, and even follow-upposts by Sam Boyer, one of the dep maintainers. With so many words already written, what more do people need to consider?

When Sam Boyer recently quoted Alistair Cockburn in his write-up on MVS failure modes I realized we aren't all thinking of people the same way. Dependency management tools are there to aid people. Who are these people and what do they need and want?

Problems Blocking Rise of the Open Web

I've recently read numerous articles about bringing people back to the open web or about finding ways to grow it. This is a worthy challenge that can enable a more competitive landscape while distributing more of, well, everything.

There are three important problems that need to be solved to make the open web more successful. These three important problems that aren't getting enough attention.