Behaviors To Avoid When Practicing Pair Programming

When two people get together to write code on a single computer, it is given the name of pair programming.

Pair programming was popularized by the eXtreme programming book by Kent Beck, in there he reports the technique to develop software in pairs which spiked the interest of researchers in the subject. Lan Cao and Peng Xu found that pair programming leads to a deeper level of thinking and engagement in the task at hand

TDD: From Katas to Production Code

TDD has been a subject of interest for practitioners at least for the last ten years or so, even before that if we take into account the eXtreme Programming practices and the agile manifesto.

Despite its claimed popularity today and its symbolism of quality the practice of writing the test before production code is still uneven. It varies based on the practitioner's context, past experiences, and the practitioner's learning path.