Neo4j and Cypher: Using MERGE with Schema Indexes/Constraints

I wrote about cypher’s MERGE function a couple of weeks ago, and over the last few days, I’ve been exploring how it works with schema indexes and unique constraints.

An Exciting Time to Be a Developer

There is so much that could be said about the merging of Neo4j and Cypher right now, but it is certainly reasonable to point out that this merger will likely result in many exciting developments in the programming world. 

Introducing NEuler — The Graph Algorithms Playground

It’s been almost two years since the release of the Neo4j Graph Algorithms library, which allowed developers to run algorithms like PageRank, Louvain Modularity, and Weighted Shortest Path on their graph data.

In January my colleague Irfan and I were chatting, and we thought it’d be cool if we could open up the power of graph algorithms to users that don’t want to spend their days writing Cypher code.

We presented our initial efforts building the Neo4j Euler (NEuler) Graph App (aka the Graph Algorithms Playground) in episode 54 of the Neo4j Online Meetup and showed how the app could be used to analyze the Game of Thrones universe.

Graph Algorithms in Neo4j: Label Propagation

Graph algorithms provide the means to understand, model, and predict complicated dynamics such as the flow of resources or information, the pathways through which contagions or network failures spread, and the influences on and resiliency of groups.

This blog series is designed to help you better utilize graph analytics and graph algorithms so you can effectively innovate and develop intelligent solutions faster using a graph database like Neo4j.