What Is Agile Methodology In Software Development?

Agile enables teams to provide consumers more quickly and without as many problems through an iterative project management and software development approach.

An agile team produces work in manageable, small-scale increments rather than staking everything on a "big bang" launch. In addition, teams have a built-in mechanism for fast adjusting to change since requirements, plans, and results are regularly evaluated.

What Is Black Box Testing?

Software testing is a fundamental part of the software development life cycle, whether for web or mobile application software.

Not only does testing certify the quality of the software product, but it also provides the developer with an opportunity to enhance it. 

What Is Encryption? — 6 Top Types of Encryption Methods + Examples

In just 20 years, the internet has gone from being a theoretical tool to a central to every aspect of our daily activities, from communication and commerce to work and data storage.

Encryption is a prevalent and practical security approach, making it an excellent alternative for protecting an organization's data. Encryption techniques for data are a reliable method for keeping sensitive data safe.

The Beginners Guide to White Box Testing

Software testing refers to a systematic process of verifying that the generated product performs as expected and guaranteeing that it does not contain any unwelcome surprises once shipped.

The cost of software testing is significantly less than the expense of having a severe bug discovered after the product has been sent and then fixing it. However, the loss in customer happiness and loyalty is the highest cost of finding a bug after the product has shipped.

Software as a Service: How to build a SaaS Application

Software as a Service (SAAS) is the ideal business model for online companies. It facilitates the retrieval of data directly from the server, eliminating the need for users to acquire their copies.

SaaS development companies offer incredible chances for startups and small vendors to grow their enterprises. Typically, SaaS solutions are pretty adaptable. Customers are compelled to adopt this service due to the simplicity of cloud-based technologies.

What Is Iterative Development: A Beginners Guide

The mobile and web development industry is advancing at a fast pace, with new tools and methods being made available to developers to create better applications.

To succeed, businesses and developers must stay current on software development life cycles and technologies. Software development life cycles have helped companies deliver high-quality products efficiently and with fewer errors.

XAMPP vs WAMP: Which Local Server Is Best?

XAMPP and WAMP are different types of local development servers which are crucial web development technology. They reproduce the environment of a genuine web server so that you can run your website code, test it extensively, and then go onto the deployment step.

A server hosted locally on your laptop or computer is referred to as a local server. Before a website goes online, they aid developers with testing it for faults and flaws.

What Is Cloud Storage: Definition, Types, Pros, and Cons

What exactly do tech-savvy individuals and internet users mean when they say files have been moved to the cloud? Do all files go to private cloud storage? Is there an invisible storage device that only developers and data scientists can access? Where is the cloud?

This article on cloud storage is typical to a beginner's compass and will serve as a reference resource for anyone seeking sufficient knowledge about the cloud. 

Disciplined Agile Delivery Framework: A Beginner’s Guide

Think of Disciplined Agile Delivery as a software delivery framework because that is exactly what it is. By employing principles of disciplined agile in your team's process, you can ensure its success.

This article hopefully gives you ample working knowledge on the concept of the DaD framework before you get to the tail end. Want to delve right in?

Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps: Differences and Similarities

It's working great! People can easily access our services from multiple devices; what more do we need?' said every person who, at one point in time, was asked if a mobile application is necessary for their existing web application. What comes next after your responsive website?

 What Is a Responsive Web Application?

A responsive web app is a website application whose design and development are centered on the idea that the site should adapt to the device. This means that the website should respond to the size, platform, and orientation of the users' devices.

What Makes “Minimum” in Minimum Viable Product?

What Is an MVP?

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a product without any additional features and, at the same time, comes with all the essential features that users want.

Think of it as a test drive. It is a lean, agile model that allows you to maximize learning about your business with minimal development effort and the shortest possible time, resource, and cost commitment.
Unlike a prototype or the traditional business model canvas, which are usually created once the idea generation stage of one's startup is finished, the

The Complete Guide to SDLC


35. That is the average number of applications installed on smartphones. I believe it won’t be out of place to say that we live in a software world. I mean, we are in a digital age, aren’t we? Have you ever wondered what it takes to build this software? Yes, we all know developers make them, but that isn’t all. It takes a lot more.

This article will discuss the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and its phases and methodologies.

Top 3 Approaches to Legacy System Modernization

Your system is putting your business at risk and you haven’t fixed it. Don’t touch what isn’t broken, right? Well, while that may be currently working for you, you are walking down a slippery slope. Legacy systems for long-term business operations come with many risks, and it may be time for a change. We will discuss ways to move on from legacy systems to put your business in a better position.

Define Your Legacy System

There is no standard or generally accepted definition of a legacy system. When talking about legacy systems, age is not the first point of consideration. While this may be a factor, it is not always the case because newer systems and software can be classified as legacy systems.