Why Use Agriculture Drones? Main Benefits and Best Practices

Why use agriculture drones?

Although unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a.k.a drones, had initially been built for military purposes, they are now widely applied in a number of industries. With the market for agriculture drones reaching $1.3 billion, agriculture is now the second largest industry after construction in terms of drone adoption.

The future of drones in agriculture looks promising: by 2026, analysts claim that the market for agriculture drones is set to reach $6.52 billion, expanding at 31, 4 percent CARG. The demand continues to grow as the costs of drones decrease and drone software in agriculture gets increasingly sophisticated.

Creating a Competitive Edge With IIoT

IoT is now аn integral part of many industrial enterprises. Applied in fields like agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation, and the energy industry, to name a few, it is one of the main drivers of digital transformation. In a Forbes article posted back in 2016, General Electric’s former CEO Jeff Immelt called the IIoT “beautiful, desirable, and investable”.

As of today, the IIoT giant Accenture has predicted that the Industrial Internet of Things will add $14.2 trillion to the world’s economy by 2030.

The Impact of Edge Computing on IoT: The Main Benefits and Real-Life Use Cases

With the forecast of over IoT devices being deployed globally by 2020, the amount of data stored in the cloud is hard to imagine. Not to mention the processing power needed to derive any tangible value from it.

No wonder business owners are increasingly looking to improve the performance and reduce operational costs of their IoT products. One of the ways to do so is by handling the data outside of the main cloud or at its "edge."

Benefits and Challenges of Taking the DevOps Route

As more businesses rush to beat the competition with the help of technology, software development has become more than just a sound investment. It is a major revenue channel and the main strategic benefit of a modern business.

That is why it is crucial to ensure the quality, performance, and security of your product, as well as a fast time to market.