Building a Real-Time App With Spring Boot, Cassandra, Pulsar, React, and Hilla

When it comes to managing large amounts of data in a distributed system, Apache Cassandra and Apache Pulsar are two names that often come up. 

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable NoSQL database that excels at handling high-velocity writes and queries across multiple nodes. It is an ideal solution for use cases such as user profile management, product catalogs, and real-time analytics. 

Develop a Full-Stack Java Application With Kafka and Spring Boot

What You Will Build

You will build a full-stack reactive web app that sends and receives messages through Kafka. The app uses Spring Boot and Java on the server, Lit and TypeScript on the client, and the Hilla framework for components and communication.

What You Will Need

  • 20 minutes
  • Java 11 or newer
  • Node 16.14 or newer
  • An IDE that supports both Java and TypeScript, such as VS Code.

Technology Overview


Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform. You can think of it as a publish/subscribe system on steroids. Kafka producers can send messages to a topic, and consumers can then read those messages. However, unlike most pub/sub systems, the messages do not get removed from the topic when you read them. This allows you to perform stream processing to analyze, aggregate, or transform data from different events in real-time.

Tutorial: Build a Full-stack Reactive Chat App With Spring Boot

What You Will Build

You will build a full-stack chat application with a Java Spring Boot back end, reactive data types from Project Reactor, and a Lit TypeScript front end. In addition, you will use the Hilla framework to build tools and client-server communication

What You Will Need

  • 20 minutes
  • Java 11 or newer
  • Node 16.14 or newer
  • An IDE that supports both Java and TypeScript, such as VS Code

Video Version

The video below walks you through this tutorial step-by-step, if you prefer to learn by watching.