How to Build a Custom Application Bar for Your Windows Phone App (the Easy Way)

There is nothing quite like building the perfect customized application bar to help you feel like you have made something truly special for your users. Indeed, many users report that they appreciate the efforts that companies go through to create useful utilities within the products that they already use.

A customized application bar is a wonderful tool to include because it can be used to create something that users absolutely need, and also something that they have been requesting from the companies that they work with for quite some time. 

Some Helpful Extensions When Dealing With Types in .NET

If you are writing reusable code, chances are high that you will write quite some code that deals with types, generics, and interfaces. Over the years, the collection of my helper extensions for that have grown. As some of my upcoming posts use them, I share them (also) for future reference.

1. Check if a Type Is Deriving From Another Type

Deriving types is a common practice. To some extent, you can use pattern matching. Sometimes, that isn't enough, though (especially if you have a multi-level derivation path). This is when I use one of these two extensions:

How to Avoid a Distorted Android Camera Preview With ZXing.Net.Mobile

If you need to implement QR-scanning into your Xamarin (Forms) app, chances are high you will be using the ZXing.Net.Mobile library (as it is the most complete solution out there). In one of my recent projects, I wanted to do exactly that. I have used the library already before and thought it might be an easy plan.

Distorted Reality…

Reality hit me hard when I realized that the preview is totally distorted: