Scala Variances: Covariance, Contravariance, and Invariance

1. Variance

Variance is the interconnection of subtyping relationship between complex types and their component types.

Variance is all about sub-typing. It tells us if a type constructor is a subtype of another type constructor. Variance defines inheritance relationships of parameterized types(types that have parameters within them).

JavaFX — Overview with Hands-on

1. Overview

JavaFX is a Java library used to build Rich Internet Applications (RIA). It provides a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms.

JavaFX provides a rich graphical user interface. JavaFX has the structure and APIs specifically for animation, 2D and 3D geometry, charts, special effects, color gradients, graphical controls, and easy manipulation of media, including audio, video, and images.

Functors in Functional Programming

1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at Functor type class in Cats. The idea of Functor is “something that can be mapped over”, we’ll see what is actually mapped and how. In functional programming, Functors come into play when we have types or values wrapped inside contexts or containers. We don’t have to know any of the implementation details of those contexts or containers themselves.

2. SBT Dependencies

To start, let’s add the Cats library to our dependencies :

Dev Tools to the Rescue – Part 1

Whether you are a software developer working on someone else’s projects or you run a business yourself, utilizing the right tools of the trade is essential.

The market of software development tools is an ever-changing one and increasingly competitive. It’s a tough task to decide which one is best suited for you.

Introduction to Git Flow


Git Flow is an abstract idea of a Git workflow. It helps with continuous software development and implementing DevOps practices. The Git Flow Workflow defines a strict branching model designed around the project release. This provides a robust framework for managing larger projects.  

Git Flow is ideally suited for projects that have a scheduled release cycle and for the DevOps best practice of continuous delivery. It assigns very specific roles to different branches and defines how and when they should interact. It uses individual branches for preparing, maintaining, and recording releases.

Leaning Towards Reactive Architecture

Why Reactive Architecture?

Reactive Architecture aims to provide software that remains responsive in all situations. Reactive Systems build user confidence by ensuring that the application is available whenever the users need it in all conditions.

What Is the Goal of Reactive Architecture?

  • Be responsive to interactions with its users
  • Handle failure and remain available during outages
  • Strive under varying load conditions
  • Be able to send, receive, and route messages in varying network conditions

What Is Reactive Manifesto?

The Reactive Manifesto is a document that was authored by Jonas Boner, Dave Farley, Roland Kuhn and Martin Thompson. The Manifesto was created in response to companies trying to cope with changes in the software landscape. Multiple groups or companies independently developed similar patterns for solving similar solutions. So aspects of a Reactive Systems were previously individually recognized by these groups. So the Manifesto attempts to bring all of these common ideas into a single unified set of principles, known as Reactive Principles.