Java SimpleDateFormat Is Not Simple

Formatting and parsing dates is a daily (painful) task. Every day, it gives us another headache.

A common way to format and parse dates in Java is using SimpleDateFormat. Here is a common class we can use.

Understanding Docker Networking

When we talk about Docker, we say that containers are isolated. How do we communicate with our containers, or other applications like MySQL database? It is not useful if we can't access it.

Docker has a network concept. It has several network drivers to work with. Depending on how we want our container to behave, we can select our network. This helps us to connect container with a container or container with host.

Docker Images and Containers

When we work with Docker, it is important to have basic knowledge of docker images and containers. Docker containers are created using docker images. We are going to look into basic commands to create docker containers using images.

Docker Image

An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container. It is a combination of file system and parameters. Often, an image is based on another image with some additional customization.
We can use existing images or create our own images.