Tips for Cutting Down Web Development Time

When planning the creation of a website or web app, underestimating the time needed to deliver can sink a project. The longer the project is in development the more money, time, and other resources are required to see it to delivery. Also, the longer it is developed, the more that excitement for the project wanes and it might just be cast to the rubbish heap of other discarded projects.

Fortunately, over the years with advancements in tech stacks and the development of best practices, development times can be significantly reduced. This article looks at 10 easy-to-adopt practices that will reduce development time.

Bringing Agile to the Non-Tech Employee

Even though Agile (and other methodologies like Kanban and Scrum that fall under the Agile umbrella) were developed for the IT industry, other departments have found success implementing the core ideas. It does require some tweaking and getting non-IT staff to buy into the process, but Agile is no longer only the tech department's sole property. First, we will look at the core concepts of an Agile methodology and how to get non-tech employees to adopt the methodology.

Agile’s Working Definition

When a team leader embarks on researching how to implement Agile, they’ll come across several opinion pieces proclaiming that very few understand Agile. These are enough to put even the most even-keeled off when looking to incorporate a non-tech team within the Agile bubble. However, when one looks at Agile’s core concepts, it's easy to see why others think the future is bright.

Some Advice for WFH Agile


The now popular Agile methodology, with Scrum methodologies being popular cousins to Agile, has taken off since the publication of the Agile Manifesto in 2001. Many things changed with the coronavirus, however, as remote working became one solution for the current problem. This imposed changes in the current approach of managing Agile teams. Since these teams work based on close groups and one location, the main challenge is to keep the same productivity level in a sudden transition. 

Agile teamwork enables direct contact, immediate communication, and problem solving. This will speed up the decision-making process, allowing for better fact-based decisions. Agile teams that don’t have experience with remote working will find the sudden change difficult. The new approach will decrease cohesion and, therefore, obstruct the whole process. 

Start a Career in Blockchain App Development

Blockchain technology has taken the leading position amongst software development companies in terms of the demand for programmers. Talented blockchain engineers are currently the most required in the field and gain, on average, more than $150, 000 per year in the United States.

However, many growing talents in software engineering still have a lot of questions related to blockchain development and concerns about the security of the app architecture. Referring to the word “blockchain,” it can be described as an online system that is duplicated on thousands of computers and distributes the information amongst them. These machines are called “nodes” and they help build the blockchain. This distribution and the specifics of the blockchain architecture allow keeping the Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies data safe from hacker attacks.