Pure CSS Bezier Curve Motion Paths

Are you a Bezier curve lover like I am?

Besides being elegant, Bezier curves have nice mathematical properties due to their definition and construction. No wonder they are widely used in so many areas:

  • As a drawing/design tool: They are often refered to as “paths” in vector drawing software.
  • As a format of representing curves: They are used in SVG, fonts and many other vector graphic formats.
  • As a mathematical function: Often used to control animation timing.

Now, how about using Bezier curves as motion paths with CSS?

Quick Recap

Depending on the context, when referring to a “Bezier curve”, we often assume a 2D cubic Bezier curve.

Such a curve is defined by four points:

Bezier curve
MarianSigler, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Note: In this article, we generally refer to P0 and P3 as endpoints, P1 and P2 as control points.

The word “cubic” means the underlying function of the curve is a cubic polynomial. There are also “quadratic” Bezier curves, which are similar, but with one fewer control point.

The Problem

Say you are given an arbitrary 2D cubic Beizer curve, how would you animate an element with pure CSS animation, such that it moves precisely along the curve?

As an example, how would you recreate this animation?

In this article we will explore three methods with different flavors. For each solution we will present an interactive demo, then explain how it works. There are lots of mathematical calculations and proofs behind the scene, but don’t worry, we will not go very deep.

Let’s start!

Method 1: Time Warp

Here’s the basic idea:

  • Set up @keyframes to move the element from one endpoint of the curve to the other.
  • Distort the time for each coordinate individually, using animation-timing-function.

Note: There are lots of examples and explanations in Temani Afif’s article (2021).

Using the cubic-bezier() function with correct parameters, we can create a motion path of any cubic Bezier curve:

This demo shows a pure CSS animation. Yet canvas and JavaScript are used, which serve two purposes:

  • Visualize the underlying Bezier curve (red curve).
  • Allow adjusting the curve with the typical “path” UI.

You can drag the two endpoints (black dots) and the two control points (black squares). The JavaScript code will update the animation accordingly, by updating a few CSS variables.

Note: Here’s a pure CSS version for reference.

How it works

Suppose the desired cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: p0, p1, p2, and p3. We set up CSS rules as following:

/* pseudo CSS code */
div {
  animation-name: move-x, move-y;
    f(x, a, b) = (x - a) / (b - a)
    qx1 = f(p1.x, p0.x, p3.x)
    qx2 = f(p2.x, p0.x, p3.x)
    qy1 = f(p1.y, p0.y, p3.y)
    qy2 = f(p2.y, p0.y, p3.y)
    cubic-bezier(1/3, qx1, 2/3, qx1),
    cubic-bezier(1/3, qy1, 2/3, qy2);

@keyframes move-x {
  from {
    left: p0.x;
  to {
    left: p3.x;

@keyframes move-y {
  from {
    top: p0.y;
  to {
    top: p3.y;

The @keyframes rules move-x and move-y determine the starting and finishing locations of the element. In animation-timing-function we have two magical cubic-bezier() functions, the parameters are calculated such that both top and left always have the correct values at any time.

I’ll skip the math, but I drafted a brief proof here, for your curious math minds.


This method should work well for most cases. You can even make a 3D cubic Bezier curve, by introducing another animation for the z value.

However there are a few minor caveats:

  • It does not work when both endpoints lie on a horizontal or vertical line, because of the division-by-zero error.

Note: In practice, you can just add a tiny offset as a workaround.

  • It does not support Bezier curves with an order higher than 3.
  • Options for animation timing are limited.
    • We use 1/3 and 2/3 above to achieve a linear timing.
    • You can tweak both values to adjust the timing, but it is limited compared with other methods. More on this later.

Method 2: Competing Animations

As a warm-up, imagine an element with two animations:

div {
  animation-name: move1, move2;

What is the motion path of the element, if the animations are defined as following:

@keyframes move1 {
  to {
    left: 256px;

@keyframes move2 {
  to {
    top: 256px;

As you may have guessed, it moves diagonally:

Now, what if the animations are defined like this instead:

@keyframes move1 {
  to {
    transform: translateX(256px);

@keyframes move2 {
  to {
    transform: translateY(256px);

“Aha, you cannot trick me!” you might say, as you noticed that both animations are changing the same property, “move2 must override move1 like this:”

Well, earlier I had thought so, too. But actually we get this:

The trick is that move2 does not have a from frame, which means the starting position is animated by move1.

In the following demo, the starting position of move2 is visualized as the moving blue dot:

Quadratic Bezier Curves

The demo right above resembles the construction of a quadratic Bezier curve:

Bézier 2 big
Phil Tregoning, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

But they look different. The construction has three linearly moving dots (two green, one black), but our demo has only two (the blue dot and the target element).

Actually the motion path in the demo is a quadratic Bezier curve, we just need to tune the keyframes carefully. I will skip the math and just reveal the magic:

Suppose a quadratic Bezier curve is defined by points p0, p1, and p2. In order to move an element along the curve, we do the following:

/* pseudo-CSS code */
div {
  animation-name: move1, move2;

@keyframes move1 {
  from {
    transform: translate3d(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
  /* define q1 = (2 * p1 - p2) */
  to {
    transform: translate3d(q1.x, q1.y, q1.z);

@keyframes move2 {
  to {
    transform: translate3d(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);

Similar to the demo of Method 1, you can view or adjust the curve. Additionally, the demo also shows two more pieces of information:

  • The mathematical construction (gray moving parts)
  • The CSS animations (blue parts)

Both can be toggled using the checkboxes.

Cubic Bezier Curves

This method works for cubic Bezier curves as well. If the curve is defined by points p0, p1, p2, and p3. The animations should be defined like this:

/* pseudo-CSS code */
div {
  animation-name: move1, move2, move3;

@keyframes move1 {
  from {
    transform: translate3d(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z);
  /* define q1 = (3 * p1 - 3 * p2 + p3) */
  to {
    transform: translate3d(q1.x, q1.y, q1.z);

@keyframes move2 {
  /* define q2 = (3 * p2 - 2 * p3) */
  to {
    transform: translate3d(q2.x, q2.y, q2.z);

@keyframes move3 {
  to {
    transform: translate3d(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);


What about 3D Bezier Curves? Actually, the truth is, all the previous examples were 3D curves, we just never bothered with the z values.

What about higher-order Bezier curves? I am 90% sure that the method can be naturally extended to higher orders. Please let me know if you have worked out the formula for fourth-order Bezier curves, or even better, a generic formula for Bezier curves of order N.

Method 3: Standard Bezier Curve Construction

The mathematical construction of Bezier Curves already gives us a good hint.

Bézier 3 big
Phil Tregoning, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Step-by-step, we can determine the coordinates of all moving dots. First, we determine the location of the green dot that is moving between p0 and p1:

@keyframes green0 {
  from {
    --green0x: var(--p0x);
    --green0y: var(--p0y);
  to {
    --green0x: var(--p1x);
    --green0y: var(--p1y);

Additional green dots can be constructed in a similar way.

Next, we can determine the location of a blue dot like this:

@keyframes blue0 {
  from {
    --blue0x: var(--green0x);
    --blue0y: var(--green0y);
  to {
    --blue0x: var(--green1x);
    --blue0y: var(--green1y);

Rinse and repeat, eventually we will get the desired curve.

Similar to Method 2, with this method we can easily build a 3D Bezier Curve. It is also intuitive to extend the method for higher-order Bezier curves.

The only downside is the usage of @property, which is not supported by all browsers.

Animation Timing

All the examples so far have the “linear” timing, what about easing or other timing functions?

Note: By “linear” we mean the variable t of the curve linearly changes from 0 to 1. In other words, t is the same as animation progress.

animation-timing-function is never used in Method 2 and Method 3. Like other CSS animations, we can use any supported timing function here, but we need to apply the same function for all animations (move1, move2, and move3) at the same time.

Here’s an example of animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(1, 0.1, 0, 0.9):

And here’s how it looks like with animation-timing-function: steps(18, end):

On the other hand, Method 1 is trickier, because it already uses a cubic-bezier(u1, v1, u2, v2) timing function. In the examples above we have u1=1/3 and u2=2/3. In fact we can tweak the timing by changing both parameters. Again, all animations (e.g., move-x and move-y) must have the same values of u1 and u2.

Here’s how it looks like when u1=1 and u2=0:

With Method 2, we can achieve exactly the same effect by setting animation-timing-function to cubic-bezier(1, 0.333, 0, 0.667):

In fact, it works in a more general way:

Suppose that we are given a cubic Bezier curve, and we created two animations for the curve with Method 1 and Method 2 respectively. For any valid values of u1 and u2, the following two setups have the same animation timing:

  • Method 1 with animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(u1, *, u2, *).
  • Method 2 with animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(u1, 1/3, u2, 2/3).

Now we see why Method 1 is “limited”: with Method 1 we can only cubic-bezier() with two parameters, but with Method 2 and Method 3 we can use any CSS animation-timing-function.


In this article, we discussed 3 different methods of moving elements precisely along a Bezier curve, using only CSS animations.

While all 3 methods are more or less practical, they have their own pros and cons:

  • Method 1 might be more intuitive for those familiar with the timing function hack. But it is less flexible with animation timing.
  • Method 2 has very simple CSS rules. Any CSS timing function can be applied directly. However, it could be hard to remember the formulas.
  • Method 3 make more sense for those familiar with the math construction of Bezier curves. Animation timing is also flexible. On the other hand, not all modern browsers are supported, due the usage of @property.

That’s all! I hope you find this article interesting. Please let me know your thoughts!

Pure CSS Bezier Curve Motion Paths originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Hacking CSS Animation State and Playback Time

CSS-only Wolfenstein is a little project that I made a few weeks ago. It was an experiment with CSS 3D transformations and animations.

Inspired by the FPS demo and another Wolfenstein CodePen, I decided to build my own version. It is loosely based on Episode 1 – Floor 9 of the original Wolfenstein 3D game.

Editor: This game intentionally requires some quick reaction to avoid a Game Over screen.

Here is a playthrough video:

In a nutshell, my project is nothing but a carefully scripted long CSS animation. Plus a few instances of the checkbox hack.

:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin; }

The environment consists of 3D grid faces and the animations are mostly plain 3D translations and rotations. Nothing really fancy.

However, two problems were particularly tricky to solve:

  • Play the “weapon firing” animation whenever the player clicks on an enemy.
  • When the fast-moving boss got the last hit, enter a dramatic slow motion.

At a technical-level, this meant:

  • Replay an animation when the next checkbox is checked.
  • Slow down an animation, when a checkbox is checked.

In fact, neither was properly solved in my project! I either ended up using workarounds or just gave up.

On the other hand, after some digging, eventually I found the key to both problems: altering the properties of running CSS animations. In this article, we will explore further on this topic:

  • Lots of interactive examples.
  • Dissections: how does each example work (or not work)?
  • Behind-the-scene: how do browsers handle animation states?

Let me “toss my bricks”.

Problem 1: Replaying Animation

The first example: “just another checkbox”

My first intuition was “just add another checkbox”, which does not work:

Each checkbox works individually, but not both together. If one checkbox is already checked, the other no longer works.

Here’s how it works (or “does not work”):

  1. The animation-name of <div> is none by default.
  2. The user clicks on one checkbox, animation-name becomes spin, and the animation starts from the beginning.
  3. After a while, the user clicks on the other checkbox. A new CSS rule takes effect, but animation-name is still spin, which means no animation is added nor removed. The animation simply continues playing as if nothing happened.

The second example: “cloning the animation”

One working approach is to clone the animation:

#spin1:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin1; }
#spin2:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin2; }

Here’s how it works:

  1. animation-name is none initially.
  2. The user clicks on “Spin!”, animation-name becomes spin1. The animation spin1 is started from the beginning because it was just added.
  3. The user clicks on “Spin again!”, animation-name becomes spin2. The animation spin2 is started from the beginning because it was just added.

Note that in Step #3, spin1 is removed because of the order of the CSS rules. It won’t work if “Spin again!” is checked first.

The third example: “appending the same animation”

Another working approach is to “append the same animation”:

#spin1:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin; }
#spin2:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin, spin; }

This is similar to the previous example. You can actually understand the behavior this way:

#spin1:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin1; }
#spin2:checked ~ div { animation-name: spin2, spin1; }

Note that when “Spin again!” is checked, the old running animation becomes the second animation in the new list, which could be unintuitive. A direct consequence is: the trick won’t work if animation-fill-mode is forwards. Here’s a demo:

If you wonder why this is the case, here are some clues:

  • animation-fill-mode is none by default, which means “The animation has no effect at all if not playing”.
  • animation-fill-mode: forwards; means “After the animation finishes playing, it must stay at the last keyframe forever”.
  • spin1’s decision always override spin2’s because spin1 appears later in the list.
  • Suppose the user clicks on “Spin!”, waits for a full spin, then clicks on “Spin again!”. At this moment. spin1 is already finished, and spin2 just starts.


Rule of thumb: you cannot “restart” an existing CSS animation. Instead, you want to add and play a new animation. This may be confirmed by the W3C spec:

Once an animation has started it continues until it ends or the animation-name is removed.

Now comparing the last two examples, I think in practice, “cloning animations” should often work better, especially when CSS preprocessor is available.

Problem 2: Slow Motion

One might think that slowing an animation is just a matter of setting a longer animation-duration:

div { animation-duration: 0.5s; }
#slowmo:checked ~ div { animation-duration: 1.5s; }

Indeed, this works:

… or does it?

With a few tweaks, it should be easier to see the issue.

Yes, the animation is slowed down. And no, it does not look good. The dog (almost) always “jumps” when you toggle the checkbox. Furthermore, the dog seems to jump to a random position rather than the initial one. How come?

It would be easier to understand it if we introduced two “shadow elements”:

Both shadow elements are running the same animations with different animation-duration. And they are not affected by the checkbox.

When you toggle the checkbox, the element just immediately switches between the states of two shadow elements.

Quoting the W3C spec:

Changes to the values of animation properties while the animation is running apply as if the animation had those values from when it began.

This follows the stateless design, which allows browsers to easily determine the animated value. The actual calculation is described here and here.

Another Attempt

One idea is to pause the current animation, then add a slower animation that takes over from there:

div {
  animation-name: spin1;
  animation-duration: 2s;

#slowmo:checked ~ div {
  animation-name: spin1, spin2;
  animation-duration: 2s, 5s;
  animation-play-state: paused, running;

So it works:

… or does it?

It does slow down when you click on “Slowmo!”. But if you wait for a full circle, you will see a “jump”. Actually, it always jumps to the position when “Slowmo!” is clicked on.

The reason is we don’t have a from keyframe defined – and we shouldn’t. When the user clicks on “Slowmo!”, spin1 is paused at some position, and spin2 starts at exactly the same position. We simply cannot predict that position beforehand … or can we?

A Working Solution

We can! By using a custom property, we can capture the angle in the first animation, then pass it to the second animation:

div {
  transform: rotate(var(--angle1));
  animation-name: spin1;
  animation-duration: 2s;

#slowmo:checked ~ div {
  transform: rotate(var(--angle2));
  animation-name: spin1, spin2;
  animation-duration: 2s, 5s;
  animation-play-state: paused, running;

@keyframes spin1 {
  to {
    --angle1: 360deg;

@keyframes spin2 {
  from {
    --angle2: var(--angle1);
  to {
    --angle2: calc(var(--angle1) + 360deg);

Note: @property is used in this example, which is not supported by all browsers.

The “Perfect” Solution

There is a caveat to the previous solution: “exiting slowmo” does not work well.

Here is a better solution:

In this version, slow motion can be entered or exited seamlessly. No experimental feature is used either. So is it the perfect solution? Yes and no.

This solution works like “shifting” “gears”:

  • Gears: there are two <div>s. One is the parent of the other. Both have the spin animation but with different animation-duration. The final state of the element is the accumulation of both animations.
  • Shifting: At the beginning, only one <div> has its animation running. The other is paused. When the checkbox is toggled, both animations swap their states.

While I really like the result, there is one problem: it is a nice exploit of the spin animation, which does not work for other types of animations in general.

A Practical Solution (with JS)

For general animations, it is possible to achieve the slow motion function with a bit of JavaScript:

A quick explanation:

  • A custom property is used to track the animation progress.
  • The animation is “restarted” when the checkbox is toggled.
  • The JS code computes the correct animation-delay to ensure a seamless transition. I recommend this article if you are not familiar with negative values of animation-delay.

You can view this solution as a hybrid of “restarting animation” and the “gear-shifting” approach.

Here it is important to track the animation progress correctly. Workarounds are possible if @property is not available. As an example, this version uses z-index to track the progress:

Side-note: originally, I also tried to create a CSS-only version but did not succeed. While not 100% sure, I think it is because animation-delay is not animatable.

Here is a version with minimal JavaScript. Only “entering slowmo” works.

Please let me know if you manage to create a working CSS-only version!

Slow-mo Any Animation (with JS)

Lastly, I’d like to share a solution that works for (almost) any animation, even with multiple complicated @keyframes:

Basically, you need to add an animation progress tracker, then carefully compute animation-delay for the new animation. However, sometimes it could be tricky (but possible) to get the correct values.

For example:

  • animation-timing-function is not linear.
  • animation-direction is not normal.
  • multiple values in animation-name with different animation-duration’s and animation-delay’s.

This method is also described here for the Web Animations API.


I started down this path after encountering CSS-only projects. Some were delicate artwork, and some were complex contraptions. My favorites are those involving 3D objects, for example, this bouncing ball and this packing cube.

In the beginning, I had no clue how these were made. Later I read and learned a lot from this nice tutorial by Ana Tudor.

As it turned out, building and animating 3D objects with CSS is not much different from doing it with Blender, just with a bit different flavor.


In this article we examined the behavior of CSS animations when an animate-* property is altered. Especially we worked out solutions for “replaying an animation” and “animation slow-mo”.

I hope you find this article interesting. Please let me know your thoughts!

Hacking CSS Animation State and Playback Time originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.