Introducing findjava, a Tool to Simplify JRE Selection for Java Applications

Some time ago, I wrote an article about distributing Java command-line applications and how difficult it is to locate the proper java binary to run your application with. But let’s have a quick refresher on the problem before going further.

The Problem

When distributing a Java application via package managers, your application should rely on one of the Java Runtime Environments (a.k.a. JRE) provided by the package manager. Ensuring the correct JRE will be installed as a dependency of your application is the job of the package manager.

Introduction to Kubernetes for Application Developers

Kubernetes is a highly configurable and complex open-source container orchestration engine. Therefore, it is very easy to feel completely overwhelmed when learning it. The goal of this article is to present the very basic concepts at the core of it while keeping the focus on the development side.


First, let’s start with some concepts we will play with in this article.

Dealing With Multiple Git Repositories

Let’s talk about git repositories! I don’t want to get into the mono versus multi-repository discussion. Some advocate for mono-repositories and others are against them.

But no matter which side you’re on, chances are you contribute to repositories parts of different organizations: personal projects, professionals, or various open-source ones. In this case, it is for sure not possible to use a mono-repository approach.