Generate Barcode And QR Code In Xamarin for Android

Generating QR codes for a robust user experience


Here, I am going to discuss how to generate Barcodes or QR codes in Xamarin for Android. In order to do this, we need to get some information from the user, such as what message they want to convert, the code format they want to use, and their desired bitmap size. There is no default library for this, so we need to install a plugin.

You may also like: Model-View-Presenter (MVP) for Android.

Just write a few lines of code to generate 1D and 2D code. Barcodes have different formats, but I will demonstrate only a few code formats — Code 39, Code 128, AZTEC, and QR Code. Below is our final output for the project, so you can visualize our end-result throughout the tutorial. 

Register and Login Using SQLite in Xamarin.Forms


This article demonstrates how to register, login, and update the user data in SQLite. We perform CRUD operations with SQLite DB in Xamarin.Forms and can easily store and retrieve objects from the local database.


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IoT Applications of Popular Sensors

In this article, we are going discuss the most popular sensor with properties in IoT Platform. Nowadays, sensors have the most important role in devices.

Sensors – converts physical quantity into an electrical or digital signal.

Here are some of the types of sensors we are going to discuss in this article: