Duel Boot Windows 10 & 11

I've got a Windows 11 laptop but I need to set it up as a dual boot for Windows 10. The only dual boot I've ever done was Linux/Windows, I've never done a dual boot windows/windows. Should I expect any issues? After installing the additional windows 10 will I still be able to access the windows 11 OS? Thanks.

JS/jQuery not working

I've recently gotten my first ID job as a PHP programmer but one of the tasks that bites my is JS/jQuery, I don't know JS/jQuery but now i'm having to use it. I'm taking a course on udemy.com but I'm having issues, sometimes the code executes and sometimes noting happens at all, my browser will have absolutely no response. I've just tried the following code with no response whatsoever from either Brave or Google Chrome. Any ideas what could be going wrong here? Thanks.

 <!DOCTYPE html>


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script> 
            $(this).css('color', 'red');

            $(this).css('color', 'red');


    <h1 id="title">title</h1>

    <p class="paragraph">Paragraph text 1</p>
    <p class="paragraph">Paragraph text 2</p>

    <input type="text"></input>

        <li>List element 1</li>
        <li>List element 2</li>
        <li>List element 3</li>
        <li>List element 4</li>
        <li>List element 5</li>



What type of memory

My daughter has a desktop computer and she needs more memory to run some of her applications. I've checked it out as best as I know how but all I can come up with is that the memory in it is 8 GB of ADATA XPG memory, and she has on empty slot. I googled the memory and I think I found it but it comes in two options, 8GB 3200Mhz & 8GB 3600Mhz, and I don't know which to get or if it matters.

Her computer is a: Cyber Power PC, product id: DC6115BB-FC14-4923-BAE9-F7455B8D1219, device id: DC6115BB-FC14-4923-BAE9-F7455B8D1219

Any ideas? Thanks.

Bit counting when subnetting

I was going fair on my Udemy networking course until I go to lesson 47. Subnetting Large Networks Part 2, my brain started smoking. Up to this point I had been dividing the network/hosts on the forth octet. And when counting the bits that I was going to borrow from the host portion of the address I wouldn't even count the bits in the network portion of the address. If it was class C I would only count the bits in the forth octet, if it was a class B I would only count the bits from bit 17 and forward/right, and if it was class A from 9 forward/right. But when I got to this lesson the instructor divides the network on the third octet and for whatever reason he started counting the network bits from the beginning, the very first bit in the first octet. I've attached the file. My network/cicso training has come to a dead stop.

Custom Media Server

So I've had a media server for a while using Plex as the software with a Terra Master as the hardware. I've become dissatisfied with both for various reasons and I'd like to make my own, but I'm also open to Plex alternatives recommendations. What I want to do is replace the Terra Master with a small frame computer running Linux rather than the Linux based Terra Master OS. When using Plex I just launch the Plex app on my roku TV and it find the Plex server in my house. But if I create my own media server I don't know that the best way of building, or getting my media server user interface on my TV. I don't want to use a keyboard/mouse connected to my servers that's simply displaying on my TV, rather, I want to be able to continue to just use a remote, preferably the Roku remote but I'm open to using a 2nd remote for the media server. Also, what the best way to build an interface? As much as I hate PHP and web development, building a PHP driven page to list my ripped movies seems like the simplest approach. If I wanted to make sure the movie streamed via UDP over TCP, I also have no idea how I would accomplish that. Any suggestions. I think I'm done with Plex, or at least I hope to be. Thanks.

Network Practice Lab

I'm taking a Cisco course on Udemy.com and doens't assume any prior network knowledge. Although I can maintain my home network usually without a hassle (at least before my supid !@#$ bought a mesh system that MUST be maintained with an app) I don't have any larger network knowledge. I have a basic understanding of subnets. I'm getting some answers wrong when the video ask my to pause and answer the question, I'm getting a lot of the right numbers but I'll have them on the wrong item, network ID vs broadcast ID, etc... I'm looking for some free practice and labs for IP addressing, subnetting, and general networking that I can go through before I continue this course. Does anyone have an suggestions? Running Linux Mint and I do have Packet Tracer 8.1.1 installed. Thanks.

Memory, Gaming, & Linux

I don't do a lot on my computer anymore and on the odd change that actually play a game on it it's usually and older game so there's not problem. However there is one part of the game Dieing Light that I can't play because the game becomes too choppy, I quit playing it years ago for that reason but it's one game I was hoping to finish. I do sometimes play Ark, it plays fine for the post part but it takes a long while to load the map. I don't do near as much with computers as I use to and I havent really touched hardare or built a computer in years so I no longer even know what most of the numbers and lettesr for the specs even mean, and I'm looking for cheap simple solution to speeding this thing up. Here's a small rundown of my hardware, can I increas the memory and if I can what kind of memory do I need to buy? I'm sure they'll have to dig it out of a junk yard.

me@mint-desktop ~ $ inxi
CPU~Quad core AMD A10-6700 APU with Radeon HD Graphics (-MCP-) speed/max~1800/3700 MHz Kernel~4.10.0-38-generic x86_64 Up~0 min Mem~957.8/7926.5MB HDD~2240.5GB(21.3% used) Procs~237 Client~Shell inxi~2.2.35

HDD to SSD, not compatible

My dad has an older laptop that I intalled Linux Mint on a long time ago and he loves his Linux Mint. For Father's Day I got him an SSD but when I would get to the part of the installation where it needs to format the drive it would always give me an error and fail. A few times it did this after I swapped the drives out but now the computer will not even boot to a Linux Mint ISO USB or DVD with the SSD drive in because it gives an error saying that there's no hard drive detected. Upon further inspection I think I've found the problem and I think it's a hardware issue I just don't know what to do about it. The old HDD has 4 more pins off to one side than the SSD does so I don't think the SSD has a chance of plugging in, although I don't know why it was letting me get as far into the installation process as it did the first few times if it couldn't see the SSD anyway. Images attached, what can I do about this? Thanks.