WebScraping With Python, Beautiful Soup, and Urllib3

In this day and age, information is key. Through the internet, we have an unlimited amount of information and data at our disposal. The problem, however, is because of the abundance of information we as the users become overwhelmed. Fortunately, for those users, there are programmers with the ability to develop scripts that will do the sorting, organizing, and extracting of this data for them. Work that would take hours to complete can be accomplished with just over 50 lines of code and run in under a minute. Today, using Python, Beautiful Soup, and Urllib3, we will do a little WebScraping and even scratch the surface of data extraction to an excel document.


The website that we will be working with is called books.toscrape.com. It's one of those websites that is literally made for practicing WebScraping. Before we begin, please understand that we won't be rotating our IP Addresses or User Agents. However, on other websites, this may be a good idea, since they will most likely block you if you're not "polite." (I'll talk more on the concept of being polite in later posts. For now, just know that it means to space out the amount of time between your individual scrapes.) 

Rock, Paper, Scissors With Python

In this article, we will discuss Python Operators and Conditions, their syntax and different ways to use them in order to create a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. 

Python Operators

Operators are symbols or statements that manipulate the value of operands.

How to Check for Anagrams Using Python

In this journey to become a somewhat competent and capable Python programmer, I've come to realize that we don't know what we don't know. There is and will always be a better way of doing things. But as budding programmers, it's important that we don't get discouraged when a problem seems too difficult because most of the time, the solution is staring us right in the face. When that happens, just take a breath and step away from your computer, rest your eyes, and maybe have some of your favorite brain tea. Then get back to it because the problem won't solve itself, and the world needs people like you to make a difference.

Okay, I'm done with my rant.