A Framework for Building Semantic Search Applications With Generative AI

Search applications play a critical role in this digital era. It enables enterprises to find the right and valuable information at the right time to make informed decisions. The efficient search application proves to improve productivity and efficiency for organizations to thrive. The traditional keyword search applications fail to understand the meaning, intent, and context of users or customers, They don't have the power to understand the nuances of human language. They are heavily built on keyword matching, which may lead to inaccurate results in understanding the intent behind the search. The developers and architects are facing challenges in building search applications that go beyond mere keyword matching. 

Now it has been made it easier and more powerful to reimagine searches by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and models. These advanced techniques can unlock the ability to truly understand the meaning and context of user queries which leads to more accurate and personalized results.