Testing Serverless Applications Like a Pro

Like any other application, continuous testing of serverless applications is essential to ensure the quality of the product. Testing a serverless application is not drastically different from testing a regular application. In traditional application testing, we configure an environment similar to the production environment in the development area and test it. But when dealing with the serverless providers, you cannot simulate the exact production environment. In this article, let's talk about testing serverless applications and the alterations we should make to the normal testing process.

Serverless Applications: Unit Testing

In unit testing, we test each unit of code individually without involving other third-party code and services. In the serverless context, unit testing is pretty much the same as in traditional application testing. So, you can use the same test frameworks like Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, etc., when testing serverless applications. In the serverless concept, most of the complexities are around serverless functions and their integrations. So, the effort of the unit testing for a serverless application is comparatively low.

How to Send AS2 Messages With an EDI Trading Platform

Keep your confidential data secure

When business involves lots of confidential data, security becomes a major concern for all enterprises. Therefore, going for an EDI trading platform with a secure file transfer protocol is essential. AS2 Gateway is a SaaS EDI trading platform that is created based on AS2 protocol to provide secure communication for B2B enterprises.

In addition to all the benefits packaged with AS2 protocol, AS2 Gateway itself provides a flexible, easy-to-use, personalized piece of software to the customers. So, in this article let's talk about how to send AS2 messages via AS2 Gateway.