3 Ways to Find Work-Life Balance in Your New Normal

You want to find the right work-life balance — but balance too often implies separating work and life into equal halves, which is nearly impossible to do in an age where they so easily bleed into one another. Who hasn’t booked a vacation from the office, or conversely, responded to a work email on vacation?

The recent shift to remote work has made it even more difficult to keep your personal and professional selves separate. You can no longer rely on a commute or the confines of office walls to divide your lives into parts. If this is really the new normal, your wellness relies on throwing away the notion of life and work as separate halves.

Pareto Principle: Using the 80/20 Rule for Priority Management

Most people feel 'time-poor' — too many things to do and not enough time to do them. When it comes to time management, you want a simple formula to help you determine where you should be prioritizing your time.

In this article, learn how to use the Pareto Principle as a framework for priority management to help you focus on the tasks and habits that make the most significant contribution to your personal and professional well-being.

3 Single-Tasking Tips to Improve Your Focus

You sit down at your desk to compile a report and within a few minutes, you have checked your email, scheduled a doctor’s appointment, and have Netflix going in the background. Our environments and priorities are constantly pulling us in different directions. With so much to juggle, it feels as if the only way we can get everything done is to multitask.


PostgreSQL Connection Pooling: Part 1 – Pros and Cons

PostgreSQL Connection Pooling

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, ‘threads’ were a programming novelty rarely used and seldom trusted. In that environment, the first PostgreSQL developers decided forking a process for each connection to the database is the safest choice. It would be a shame if your database crashed, after all.

You may also like:  PostgreSQL Connection Pooling With PgBouncer

Since then, a lot of water has flown under that bridge, but the PostgreSQL community has stuck by their original decision. It is difficult to fault their argument, as it’s absolutely true that:

Which Is the Best PostgreSQL GUI? 2019 Comparison

PostgreSQL GUI Comparison

PostgreSQL graphical user interface (GUI) tools help these open source database users to manage, manipulate, and visualize their data. In this post, we discuss the top 5 GUI tools for administering your PostgreSQL deployments. PostgreSQL is the fourth most popular database management system in the world and is heavily used in all sizes of applications. The traditional method to work with databases is using the command-line interface (CLI) tool, however, this interface presents a number of issues:

  • It requires a big learning curve to get the best out of the DBMS
  • Console display may not be something of your like, and it only gives very little information at a time
  • It is difficult to browse databases and tables, check indexes, and monitor databases through the console

Many still prefer CLIs over GUIs, but this set is ever so shrinking. I believe anyone who comes to programming after 2010 will tell you GUI tools increase their productivity over a CLI solution.

The Best Way to Host MySQL on Azure Cloud

Are you looking to get started with the world’s most popular open-source database and wondering how you should set up your MySQL hosting? So many default to Amazon RDS when MySQL performs exceptionally well on Azure Cloud. While Microsoft Azure does offer a managed solution, Azure Database, the solution has some major limitations you should know about before migrating your MySQL deployments. In this post, we outline the best way to host MySQL on Azure, including managed solutions, instance types, high availability replication, backup, and disk types to use to optimize your cloud database performance.

You may also like: MySQL Tutorial: A Beginners Guide to Learn MySQL

MySQL DBaaS vs. Self-Managed MySQL

The first thing to consider when weighing between self-management and a MySQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) solution is what internal resources you have available. If you’re reading this, you likely already know the magnitude of operational tasks associated with maintaining a production deployment, but for a quick recap, there’s provisioning, de-provisioning, master-slave configurations, backups, scaling, upgrades, log rotations, OS patching, and monitoring to name a few.

2019 Open Source Database Report

Ready to transition from a commercial database to open source, and want to know which databases are most popular in 2019? Wondering whether an on-premise vs. public cloud vs. hybrid cloud infrastructure is best for your database strategy? Or, considering adding a new database to your application and want to see which combinations are most popular? We found all the answers you need at the Percona Live event last month, and broke down the insights into the following free trends reports:

2019 Top Databases Used

So, which databases are most popular in 2019? We broke down the data by open source databases vs. commercial databases: