Culture and Capabilities for Effective DevOps Monitoring

With DevOps, the expectation is to develop faster, test regularly, and release more frequently, all while improving quality and cutting costs. To help achieve this, DevOps monitoring tools provide automation and expanded measurement and visibility throughout the entire development lifecycle -- from planning, development, integration and testing, deployment, and operations.

The modern software development life cycle is faster than ever, with multiple development and testing stages happening simultaneously. This has spawned DevOps, a shift from siloed teams who perform development, testing, and operations functions into a unified team who performs all functions and embraces “you build it, you run it” (YBIYRI). 

Keeping Always-on Services Always On

The nature of always-on services requires a continuous response from agile and DevOps teams. These teams need to think beyond reacting to a single incident and align the team structure, values, and tools to ensure that operational excellence becomes a core competency.

Today’s users expect modern services to be always-on and always available. Downtime can be detrimental, causing damage to reputation and bottom line, with the average costs of downtime as high as $9,000 per minute.