Develop Multi-Value Applications With Modern Source Code Managers

Legacy Version Control Tools for Multi-Value Application Development

The legacy version control tools are specific to the multi-value programming controls BP libraries and DICT files on the PICK operating system environment. Checking out code from a BP library is usually known as the locking process because files get locked by the developer for the time of their code change request. This leads to the sequencing of processing code change requests because the files that the developer intends to modify are locked and copied to the development stage.

Let’s use an example to well explain this concept. Let’s consider five staging levels, such as development, QA, UAT, pre-production, and production environments. The developer is required to move their code changes through these staging environments. The developer checks out the elements from the production BP library to the development BP library and begins to work on modifying the elements.

Request Routing Through Service Mesh for WebSphere Liberty Profile Container on Kubernetes


I will demonstrate how to request routing from service mesh to WebSphere Liberty Profile (WLP) application server Docker container image on Kubernetes. Further providing details about Istio Ingress gateway, Gateway, and Virtual service created on istio that routing traffic to Docker image with WLP installed. In the end, we will be seeing from Istio kiali dashboard request routing through Istio ingress gateway and another way directly hitting to service on Kubernetes.

Environment Requirements

1. Refer to the following Kubernetes official website to install and configure the cluster with kubeadm,