Improve Your Ongoing Cloud Transformation With DevOps

There are basically two major hurdles every organization faces when moving to the cloud: transforming their apps or solutions to fully benefit from cloud computing and adopting a better approach for true cloud transformation. The former is a hurdle that most — if not all — organizations focus on.

Transforming existing apps for cloud computing isn’t always straightforward. Rewriting and refactoring can be a complex process, especially when you have a complex app that needs to be divided into a lot of microservices. With that said, this is a challenge that gets solved early in the transformation process.

Time Warping On AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Using AWS Elastic Beanstalk for time warping

From its inception, AWS Elastic Beanstalk was designed to reduce the complexity of running web applications in the cloud. Elastic Beanstalk is also designed from the ground up to support multiple programming languages, including Node.js and Python.

Working With AWS And Kubernetes Together

Many developers now package the various services that comprise their applications into separate containers. These containers can then be deployed across clusters of machines, whether virtual or physical. This is a neat and attractive way of approaching software development that also necessitates another innovation—container orchestration. Leading container management tool Kubernetes automates the creation, configuration, scaling, networking, and other facets of container-based applications.

As a way to containerize applications in a cloud environment, Kubernetes offers a lot of flexibility. You can structure your web application into pods, contain processes or functions separately, and create complex communications between worker nodes in different pods. The way Kubernetes is designed to be flexible resembles that of Amazon Web Services and the tools it offers. One such tool in particular, Amazon EKS, is a certified Kubernetes conformant which means you can use existing tooling and plugins from partners and the Kubernetes community on the AWS platform. The service allows you to deploy Kubernetes instances without managing them manually.

Pillar #2 Of The AWS Well-Architected Framework: Security

Today’s post continues our sequence on the 5 Pillars of AWS Well-Architected Frameworks. Catch up on the first post here on Operational Excellence. In today’s cloud computing landscape, security is paramount. The increasing number and intensity of cyber attacks, the challenges faced by systems and users, and the business objectives that need to be achieved all require the highest standard of cloud security. Setting up a secure environment is only the beginning. Ways to deal with security events and additional measures to protect data transmissions are also parts of the equation.

With Amazon Web Services (AWS) becoming the go-to ecosystem for cloud implementation for many businesses who want to scale, security is a necessity rather than an option. This is also the reason why one of the AWS Well-Architected Framework’s five pillars—the second pillar, to be exact—is security. For the environment and systems it hosts to be completely secure, there are several design principles to follow to expand your chances of achieving a truly well-architected system.

A Useful Overview Of The Cloud Controls Matrix

The Cloud Controls Matrix by Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has always been the go-to standard when it comes to securing the cloud environment. The matrix itself is developed alongside industry players, cloud service providers, governments, and enterprises, making it the most comprehensive security standard on the market.

The latest update, the Cloud Controls Matrix 3.0.1, includes additions based on the security challenges of today. The matrix is designed to be a list of best practices and must-follow approaches, so it is easy to implement even when you have no specific expertise in cloud security. On top of that, the matrix is available for free.