AWS Lambda SnapStart

AWS Lambda SnapStart is a new feature that was introduced by AWS on Nov 29, 2022, to reduce the cold start times of Lambda.

Lambda cold start times has been one of the limitations for many years that increases the latency, and this recent change with SnapStart will decrease the latency that minimizes cold starts.

Kubernetes Service Types

Services in Kubernetes are used to group pods into a single endpoint. As Pods can be recreated, they can be attached to services for stable IP addresses.

A service can be defined using yaml file. Example of Kubernetes service using yaml file is given below. The "targetport" specified in the yaml file is the port value where the container is running.

Spark Structured Streaming Using Java

Spark provides streaming library to process continuously flowing of data from real-time systems.


Spark Streaming is originally implemented with DStream API that runs on Spark RDD’s where the data is divided into chunks from the streaming source,  processed and then send to destination.

Databricks Delta Lake Using Java

Delta Lake is an open source release by Databricks that provides a transactional storage layer on top of data lakes. In real-time systems, a data lake can be an Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Store/Azure Blob storage, Google Cloud Storage, or Hadoop Distributed file system.

Delta Lake acts as a storage layer that sits on top of Data Lake. Delta Lake brings additional features where Data Lake cannot provide.